Tom and Eb go to war.
When Tom and Eb leave for war it affects Jethro by giving him nightmares even though he moved into a room with Bill. Jethro can't stop thinking about the war and whethor Tom and Eb are alive or not. It also leaves a lot of responsibility on him. He is confused because of all of the comprimise's the goverment is making and which side of the war he should settle on.
Bill plays a big role in affecting Jethro by leaving and fighting for the south, instead of the north. Bill made it so he had a r -
Tom and Eb go to war.
Bill plays a big role in affecting Jethro by leaving and fighting for the south, instead of the north. Jethro is going to be affected, by being worried all the time because he dosent want to loose those two. Also it affects him by putting a lot more responsibility on him on the farm. He is not even a man. For him to pulls two mens weight is unbelievable. Jethro is going to be worried and stressed. -
Trip to town.
Jethro goes to town to get supplies and runs into a group of people who arent to happy with Bill's acts. They taunt him about Bill going of to fight for the south. One big man gets up and starts coming at him but a guy named Milton stops him. He also takes Jethro out to eat. He warns Jethro that these guys will give him trouble. He was right they have trouble with this guy for most of the story. -
Trip to Town
This affects Jethro greatly, he comes to another great desicion he has to make. Whether to tell his parents or keep it to himself. Now he has to worry about his family. Jethro was probably scared to go to sleep at night maybe not knowing whethor he or his family members were going to wakeup in the morning. Also when he is out in the fields working he could he kidnapped and no one would ever know. This puts a great deal of danger on him. -
Heart Attack.
Once Matt has a heart attack im sure Jethro is scared. He is worried that his dad may not live. Now he has more work because Matt is not capable of doing much. Not very old, Jethro has to hold up the farm basically by himself. To him i'm sure its like holding up the world. He must be affected greatly by his dads heart attack and over whelmed by the work he must get done. -
Heart Attack
Once Jethro finally gets the courage to tell his parents what happened, Matt his father goes to find the guys who was taunting him. About a minute after he leaves he has a heart attack in the front yard. He lives but puts alot more work on Jethro now because he now cant do what he did before. Jethro becomes more of a man. -
Burning the Barn.
The guy who taunted Jethro and told him that they were mad at him for Bill's actions finally do something about it. A group of them burn his barn down to ashes. If Jethro didn't have a lot of responsibility on his shoulders already he really does now! In the spring people from all over the county help the Creightons rebuild there barn. Also people help them with getting farm equitment too. Now they take night watches and are on the lookout. -
Burning Barn
Jethro's worst night mare finally strikes. The barn gets burned down. As if he didnt have a ton of work already he has a lot more. He is affected because he is now scared that the next thing they burn down could be his house and, he has to get new farm equitment that they need, while rebuilding a entire barn. As a kid myself I would be overwhelmed by the amount of work infront of him. -
One Killed another wounded.
Sadly Tom got show and killed instantly during the war. Its a great tragedy for all of the the Creighton's. The guy who was taunting Jethro was robbing the local town stores. He robbed the wrong one and got shot in the butt. He learns his lesson. -
One killed, another wounded.
This affected Jethro in a good way and a bad way. The bad way is that Tom got killed and Jethro will never see him again. Im sure it would be hard to loose a family memeber like that and never be able to see them again. The good thing is the guy who burned down there barn got shot in the butt and learned his lesson. It surely relieved some stress of Jethro's shoulders. -
The word of Eb deserting came before Eb. The day the soldiers came to search the house is when they all got worried. Jethro was plowing the feild Eb got him. He told the hole story on why he deserted and left Jethro with a big desicion on his hands. He decides to ask President Lincoln on what to do. He brings a blanket and food to Eb. He also we joins the army without getting into and trouble. It made Jethro make a desicion that a man would have to make, not a kid. -
With Eb deserting it worries Jethro on what actually is going on in the war and wat side is going to win. It also puts a big desicion on him whethor to tell his parents ( Go against Eb) or hide it. He rights to president lincoln and Eb is able to rejoin with no consicounces. This is how it affects Jethro and what he does to fix it. -
Shadrach gets severly wounded but ends up living. It makes Jethro worry a lot and then Jenny and Milton go visit him. Eventually he sends a letter home asking Jenny if she wants to marry him. Of course she says yes. This is a exciting time for Jethro because he gets to mark it in the back of the family bible, where they put births, deaths, and marrages in there. -
Jethro is affected by being scared but yet then happy. Jethro is scared because Shadrach got severly wounded. He is happy because he lives and is okay. Also he is happy because Shadrach and Jenny get married. Jethro is happy because he gets to mark this in the back of the family bible. -
John writes and tell's the family that while taking cared of captures confederates he got to see Bill. He tells him all the things happening with the family and gets him up to date. The only thing he wants the family to know is he did not shot the bullet that killed Tom. It strikes Jethro that even though Bill is fighting for the other army he does still care about the others. -
This event affects Jethro with a warm loving feeling. For Bill to only care that the family knows he wasnt the one who killed Tom must have been a good thing. Also that he was fighting on the other side as the others but still loves and cares. -
The North Wins.
The war is over and Jethro gets a lot of weight taken of his shoulders by his brothers coming home. He goes and lives with Shadrach and Jenny and works on getting a proper education no that he has the time. -
North Wins
Jethro is happy and is going to get an education. This is a huge thing for him. The fact that everyone cam back from the war except Tom is a big deal but him getting a education is another huge thing.