
A Soldier's Secret

By sixzes
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    The story takes place durning the time of the Civil War and after the Civil War
  • Sarah Emma Edmonds

    Sarah Emma Edmonds
    Sarah Emma Edmonds, enlisted in the Civil War as, Frank Thompson. She signed up to be an active nurse in the army. She was given a uniform and is told to join the Second Michigan. She then makes friends with her tent mate Damon, and learns how to become even "manlier".
  • Bull Run

    Bull Run
    The Union Army marched to the Bull Run, to face the Confederates. The Second Michigan marched with the army, "Frank" took care of the wounded soldiers on the battle field. When the battle was over she went to the place set up to care for the wounded.
  • A New Friend

    A New Friend
    While making her rounds, taking care of the wounded back at camp, she was talking to an injured man when his friend came up and worriedly/angerly asked if his friend was being taken care of. The injured man smoothed things over and the two of them became friends, Frank and Jerome.
  • Mail Man

    Mail Man
    Frank was worried that his secret would be found out if he stayed around too long so, he signed up to deliver the mail to the troops. He met many new people and everyone came to know his face, and the stories that he would tell to entertain people. He would travel around to avoid suspicion form people.
  • Battle of Williamsbrug

    Battle of Williamsbrug
    In the Battle of Williamsbrug Frank was a soldier in this battle before a nurse, and he shot at people in this battle, and he shot people this time. After the battle was over he went to the on field hospital. To take care of the wounded soldiers that were there.
  • Spying

    Frank got an offer to spy on the rebels. Think "he" was still being overly observed, and worrying more about his secret, he took up the offer, and started spying on the Confederates. Frank made a good spy because he could disguise himself as a lady amongst others.
  • The Battle of Fair Oaks

    The Battle of Fair Oaks
    Frank and the Second Michagan march as one of the first troopes across a river to meet the Confederates. Frank's job is to deliver messages from leader to leader along the front lines. Frank rides an untrained horse, that throws "him" bites his arm and cracks his ribs because he kicked Frank.
  • Prisoner

    Frank's good friend Jerome wanted to stay with the wounded after the battle, to take care of them knowing that he would be captured. This was hard on Frank and he worried himself sick. Frank still continued his job in the army, without anyone finding out.
  • The Second Bull Run

    The Second Bull Run
    For the Second battle on the Bull Run Frank is given a mule to deliver messages between commanders. "He" knows how to ride horses but not mules. This mule throws Frank into a ditch, and Frank breaks his ankle, then the mule kicks him in the chest cracking more of his rib bones.
  • Desertion

    Frank's friend and tentmate left to go home, when he finally left Frank fell into a fever. The fever wouldn't go away so Frank left the army to find a Doctor and have him check him over as a female. By the time Frank got better and was going to head back to the army, he was marked traitor, so he continued to live as Sarah.