Salva, Southern Sudan
Salva had woken up and realized that everybody had left him. HE was upset and scared to be alone. he knew that people had left him because he was too young and immature -
Salva, Southern Sudan
They abandoned him alone at night in the barn. He spotted Dinka people. -
Salva, Southern Sudan
salva was sent with the jur-chols to follow the call of the bird called the honey guide. -
Salva, Southern Sudan 1985
Salva is scared that he will be hurt by a lion. he is with his uncle. -
Salva, Southern Sudan
Salva going out on a boat with his Uncle and then he gets food -
Salva, Southern Sudan
Salvas uncle came and tried to persuade salva to walk a certain distance. but he was having trouble. -
Nya, Southern Sudan
nyas mother had giver her a bowl of boiled sorghum meal and poured milk over it while she nursed the baby. -
Nya, Southern Sudan
Nyas lttle sister Akeer is very sick -
Nya, Southern Sudan
Nya and her mother take Akeer to the doctor, they gave ehr medicine but it was not helping that much. they think the cause is from the muddy water. -
Nya, Southern Sudan
Nya's family came. they came out of the car and nya was scared to meet strangers -
Nya Chapter 2
Nya had to stop, now she knows that t will take a long time to get home.