the odyssey

  • leaves for the Trojan War

    leaves for the Trojan War
  • Period: to

    the journey

  • heads home

    heads home
    Odysseus starts his journey home not knowing what horrific things await him.
  • the lotus eaters

    the lotus eaters
    the plants Odyesseus incountered when eaten made his crew and himeself want to stay.
  • the cyclops

    the cyclops
    During the week at the cave of the cyclops odysues lost 3 men and barely excaped with his life by useing his knowledge and trickness. unfortanutly his pride got the best of him and he was cursed by the cyclops. forever should he dread those words for causeing him great suffering and many lifes on his journey home.
  • The Island of Aeolus

    The Island of Aeolus
    the wind king gives odyssues a fair west wind to blow the ship home. he gave them a bag with all the bad winds.
  • see's sight of Ithinca

    see's sight of Ithinca
    the men think that the bad winds are gold and as they open the bag the bad winds are let out sending Odyssues and his men back to the Island of Aeolus.
  • The land of Laestrygones

    The land of Laestrygones
    the canables throw rocks at the ship and only the ship odyssues is on and his 45 soldiers survive.
  • Aeaea (Circe's Island)

    Aeaea (Circe's Island)
    while odyssues stays on the boat the mean decide to explore the Island. as they reach circe's house they hear a melodic sound and decide to come in. when they realize that circe is a witch it is to late and the crew is turned into pigs. fortanitly Eurylochus stayed aweay from the house and soon ran to the ship and told odyssues. after a year of beging cicre finally turns the men and Odyssues free with agreement that they will go here the prophecies at the land of the dead.
  • Odyssues returns to circe

    Odyssues returns to circe
    while the men sleeping circe gives him advice
  • the land of the dead

    the land of the dead
    Odyssues see's his mother in spirit form and realizes that she died. while keeping his promise he reaches Tiresia who tells him about his long journey home. he also says that once he gets home he will have to leave again. he also warns him not to eat the sun gods cattle.
  • the encounter with the sirens

    the encounter with the sirens
    Knowing of there wonderful voices he prepares his men to pass threw the sirens putting bee's wax in the soldiers ears and ties himself to the mast. They pass through the sirens safely.
  • Sylla and Charybdis

    Sylla and Charybdis
    Odyssues travels through the cliffs where he has to choose between risking all of his men or just 6. He decidees to go on the side that Sylla is on and he lost 6 men.
  • The sons god's cattle

    The sons god's cattle
    While Odyssues is sleeping his men sneak of and eat the cattle. The Helios is angry so Zeus throws a lightning bolt at the ship and kills everyone but Odyssues.
  • Ogygia (home of Calypso)

    Ogygia (home of Calypso)
    Calypso keeps Odysues on her Island for 7 years. His ship is broken and he is under her spell.
  • Hermes saves the day

    Hermes saves the day
    Finallay Hermes comes and tells Calypso that Zeus wants Odyssues to be let go. She helps him build a raft to return home.
  • home to Ithica

    home to Ithica
    He returns home to find more problems waiting.