19th Century & British Empire

  • The seventeenth century

    was the century of science,and the eighteen was the century of philosophy,then te nineteenth century was the century of engineering. This lead to a machine revolution that changed every stage of manufacturing in the textile, iron, printing, paper-marking and other industries. So the combination of all these developments-bigger farms, plentiful coal ,miners to dig it up, steam engines, trains to move materials, and precision machine-led to many new technologies.
  • Thomas Savery

    patent the first workable steam pump,which he called the “Miner`s Friend,or and Engiere the Raise water by fire”. Designed to draw wáter from mines.
  • Revolution started with coal, iron and textiles.

  • From the mid

    -1700s to the mid-1800s,farms changed ,growing larger as common land became enclosed and farmers started using an improved crop rotation plan to get more of out of their land-big
  • Scottish chemist and James Watt

    improved the work of New comen. Watt added a new chamber and This made Newcomen´s design more cost-effective and doubled it´s efficiency by reducing wasted energy
  • industrialization limited even in England.

  • the Port

    • of London decided it needed another bridge across the River Thames.
    • the capital generated by cottage industries bécame the foundation for factories and factories offered lots of advantages over a rural cottage
  • Alexandrina Victoria born in May 24th 1819.

  • Trains

    connected cities, symbolizing progress but they also brought about the destruction of rural lands, divisions between social classes.
  • The Industrial Revolution

    happened thanks to coal. Burning coal produced the high temperature necessary to smelt iron.
    * The steam engine is a reminder that a revolutionary technology often isn`t one new invention, but a process of improving existing ones.
  • Social Context

    There was social seizures, physical deprivations, misery, extreme population growth/ poor quality of life, people left the farms to go work into the factories
  • the machine era was starting.

  • Factories appeared

    creating new goods, new classes of owners and laborers environmental problems.
    *The population grew thanks in part to what some historians call the British Agricultural Revolution.
  • Communication

    was also transformed for many people by the development of telegraph, sending messages over long distances using electrical signals.
    * New bridges are built.
    * As industrialization took off,labor went from being seasonally based to being base don clock time.
    * The Industrial Revolution produced a whole new middle class of non-noble property owners.
  • Victoria was crowned as queen of Great Britain.

    She was 18 years old.
  • Queen Victoria got married with her cousin Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.

    Prince Albert wasn’t loved for the community at the beginning, and Victoria didn’t give him an important paper into the Parliament or next to her.
  • the first iron-hulled gunboat

    the Nemesis,was built in the British East India Company.
  • Queen Victoria got pregnant

    and because of the typically maternity problems, Prince Albert became his sovereign
  • Albert Edward was born in November 9th 1841

    first son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert
  • Isambard Kingdom Brunel was the most famous British Engineer.

    +He creates the SS Great Britain Steamboat, which reduces the trips from 3 month to 15 days.
    +Creation of electronic telegraph.
  • Started a big famine

    because of the lack of grains. Land owners and the infamous Corn Laws put high prices for their productions, so it wasn’t cheap to buy products derived from grains.
  • Ireland suffered a massive famine

    1846- Ireland suffered a massive famine,where 1.5 million people died.
  • David Livingstone started an expedition in Africa.

  • Benjamin Disraeli could revoke the Corn Laws,

    so Great Britain open their doors to EEUU exportations.
  • Was the year of Revolution.

    Started in the south of Italy and extends to the Continental Europe. It affected France, Russia, Germany, Austria, Italy, Spain and Turkish.
  • Henry Cole

    created the great exhibition of works of industry from all Nations.
  • Joseph Paxton

    designed an amazing building made all by crystal, It occupied 8 hectares. Well known by the name “Crystal Palace”.
  • Queen Victoria survived to the threat of Revolution,

    and 16 million people moved from Great Britain.
  • India was the biggest empire out of Great Britain.

    Lots of British people form colonies in the outside of India and took Indians as their Slaves. That British People wanted the “evangelization” of the Indian people, because some of their religious belief where scandalous.
  • Was the first war in the reign of Queen Victoria.

    It took place in Crimea and France were their allies, but Great Britain lost.
  • David Livingstone discovered the Victoria’s falls.

  • William Henry Perkin developed the first synthetic dye

    a share of purple known as mauveine.
  • Revolution of Indians,

    Kanpur massacre took part there.
  • Prince Albert died because of Tifus.

  • Prince Albert sent Edward to the army.

    He was really intelligent and had liberal ideals for that century. When his father died, the relationship with his mother, Queen Victoria, got frozen.
  • Edward had an arranged marriage with Alexandra of Demark.

    He was 21 and she 18 years old. It was in that way because “Bertie”, as his family called him, liked to have affairs with different woman every day.
  • Edward and Alexandra had 3 children.

    Alexandra got really ill and Bertie didn’t stay at home, he spends nights and days in bars, theatres, smoking, eating, having affairs.
  • William Gladstone became 1st minister of Great Britain

    and defended his ideas that more Indian people took important places into the parliament.
  • Livingstone asked for the abolition of African slaves,

    and there started the imperialist struggle for Africa.
  • Bertie had an affair with Lady Harriet Mordant

    but his husband discover it and they were exposed.
  • Edward’s secret life was publicly exposed

    So the Parliament and Queen Victoria took all the power over finances out of him
  • inventors introduced electrical light to a murky,gas-lighted world.

  • Mahdi was an Islamic Preacher

    who got up against their corrupt government. This happened in Sudan, later moved to Egypt and finished in the Suez Canal
  • General Charles Gordon (the Chinese)

    was sent to Sudan because of a Rebellion from Indian people, Gordon though that he could made that people to change their minds and he resisted into a full closed city, waiting for more British troops. That situation was like this during 8 months, but Indians didn’t want to wait more and attacked the hole city, killing everybody in the city and the General.
  • Edward was in love with Daisy

    Edward was 48 years old and he fall in love with lady Daisy Warrick who was 20 years younger. They had a very intense love.
  • Edward broke his relationship with his wife Alexandra

  • Princess Marina married Prince George

    there were rumors that they married to stop the abuse that said George was gay.
  • First color photography

  • Daisy Warrick got pregnant by other man

    So Daisy and Edward finished their 10 years affair, and Bertie continue his relationship with her wife Alexandra.
  • industrialization had transformed the world.

  • Queen Victoria died

    at age of 81 years old. January 22nd 1901
  • Victorian era was over

  • Edward became a king "Prince of pleasure"

    He didn’t have enough experience in the power, he never had that kind of responsibility. Doctors started to worried about his health, he had over weigh and smoke so much. He was diagnosed with appendicitis; doctors operate him, he almost died. August 9th 1902 King Edward VII was coronated.
  • During King Edward VII coronation

    all the women who were important for he, had a place next to him. (His wife and All his mistress).
  • In comparison with her mother

    Queen Victoria, King Edward VII liked to be seen in public events. In a way, he was the first democratic king. He wanted to be a symbol of unity.
  • Kaiser Wilhelm (Germany)

    was Boulding up his armed forces for a possible future war. Bertie knew that this war was so closer, and wanted that Britain were prepared. He went to Paris, in a “secret” trip, but when he arrived lot of people assault him. ¡After one day everyone loved him! He was a very good, sweet and great man.
  • Edward wanted an alliance with France

    in case of a war. To keep peace the German Naval.
  • King Edward VII had a great view

    and build better ships, he always looked at the future.
  • Edward got ill

    with a chronic emphysema, and had a series of heart attacks.
  • King Edward VII died

    in May 10th 1910, he was with her wife Alexandra and his mistress Alice Cabot.
  • In recognition of Edward’s unique popularity

    it was decided that his body would live in state at west minister for the public. He was the first British monarch ever to do this. King Edward VII was king only for 9 years.
  • George become imperator of India.

  • Young woman movements

    fight for the right of vote
  • George and Mary took the titanic to France.

  • Shine the statue of Queen Victoria.

  • War with Germany

  • The palace putt he Russian royal family in prison

  • War was over.

  • had delight the whole nation as Queen Mary.

  • Mary was winning new admirers

    , she put into her social welfare work opening schools and play centers, etc. Queen Victoria had stamped her presence on the throne with a dignified and sober Authority, she was a fixture of everybody`s life.
  • Great Britain elected his first-ever labor government

  • Britain the only

    real rivals to royalty for fame and glamour were sporting heroes.
  • a royal car left the palace bearing and invalid King George.

  • George cruises around British ports in the new royal yacht Britannia.

  • Mahatma Gandhi leader of the Independence movement.

  • A new sinister farce had stepped into the power vacuum.

  • George V and Queen Mary are following a familiar royal route.

  • death of king George.

    His son Edward VIII took his place.