the major event that happened in the 1940's was the world war ll. -
pinocchio was released!
In Feburary Pinocchio was released and Carbon was discovered. -
congress passed laws
Congress passes several laws related to national defense, including the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, which provides drafting and training men for the army and navy, marines and national guard. -
hitler commited suidcide.Because enemies were closing in on him from all sides, and there was no way to escape; he knew he had failed and had lost. He wasn't sure what they would do to him when they caught him, but knew it would probably be a life of torture, imprisonment and humiliation. So he wanted a quick dignified death, and he wanted to die with honor with his beloved wife. So they took cynanide and had people shoot them, then his soldiers burned their bodies so their remains would not be