The Industrial Revoultion 20148

By 20148
  • Utilitarianism

    Jermey Bentham introduced this philosophy. The theory beleived that the governments actiond sre useful only if they are promote the greatest good for the greatest number of people. He argued that people should jugde ideas and institution and actions . John Stuart Mill led the utilitarian movement in the 1800. Utilitarian pushed for reforms in the legal and prison system also in education.
  • Jethro Tull

    Jethro Tull
    In 1701 he invented the seed drill. He was one of the first scientist farmers.
  • The Flying Shuttle

    The Flying Shuttle
    Invented by John Kay. The shuttle carried threads and yarn back and forth. The flying shuttle greatly increased the productivity of weavers.
  • The Spining Jenny

    The Spining Jenny
    Invented by James Hargreaves.
  • Water Frame

    Water Frame
    Invented by Richard Arkwright.
  • Adam Smith

    Adam Smith
    The Wealth of Nations he often defended the idea of free economy or free market. He guarantee econmic progress. He also didnt want the governement to interefer in the economy
  • Capitalism

    Capitalism is an econmic system in which money is invested in bussiness ventures with the goals of making profit. These ideas help establish the Industrial Revolution. Adam Smith defended the idea of free economy or free market in his book The Wealth of Nation. Thomas Malthus and David Ricardo supported Smith basic belief and extended theories and ideas. Smith beleived that the government should not interfere in the econmony. He also believed that consumers compete with one another.
  • Spinning Mule

    Spinning Mule
    Invented by Samuel Crompton. He combined features of the spining jenny and the water frame to produce the spining mule. The spining mule made a thread that was stronger and finer.
  • The Power Loom

    The Power Loom
    Invented by Edmund Cartwright.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    This was invented by Eli Whitney.
  • Thomas Malthus

    Thomas Malthus
    Supported Smith's basic ideas. He wrote an Essay on the Principle of Population. He argued that the population tend to increase more rapidly than the food supply. He theroy eventually came true in 1840.
  • John McAdam

    John McAdam
    A Scottish engineer, who equipped roadbeds with a layer of large stone for drainage. On top he carefully smoothed layers of crushed rocks. Now heavy wagons would not sink in the mud.
  • Abolition of Slavery

    Abolition of Slavery
    William Wiberforce, a highly religious man, was a member f Parliment who led the fight for abolishing slavery in the British Empire. Parliement passed a bill to end slave trade in the British West Indies in 1807.
  • David Ricardo

    David Ricardo
    He was another supporter of Smith's basic ideas. He decided to continue Malthus's theory. He wrote the Principles of Political Economy and taxtation. He believed that a permant underclass would always be poor.
  • Factory Act of 1833

    Factory Act of 1833
    This is a result of the commitees findings. The new law made it illegal to hirl children under 9 years old. Children from 9 to 12 could not work more than 8 hours a day. Young people from the age of 13 to 17 could not work more than 12 hours.
  • Karl Marx

    Karl Marx
    Author of the 23 page pamphlet called The Communist Manifesto. This pamphlet argued that human society have always been divided into classes. Fredrich Engel also helped write the pamphlet
  • Communism

    Is an econmical system in which all means of production are owned by the people and all good and services are shared equally. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels created a pamplet called The Communist Manifesto. Marx's believed in the "haves" take advantage of the "have nots".
  • Free Public Education

    Free Public Education
    In 1850 many states started to establish a public school system. Horace Mann favored the idea of free public education for all children.
  • Women Fight for Change

    Women Fight for Change
    Women activist around the world joined to found the International Council for Women. Delegates and observers from 27 countries attended this meeting.
  • Socialism

    Is the factor of production are owned by the public and operate for the welfare of all. Charles Fourier Saint-Simon and others sought to offset the effects of industrialization with a new kind of economic system. Socialism argued that the government should actively plan the economy rather than depend on free market capitalism to do all the work. They believed that governement control over factories would abolish poverty and promote equality.