Period: Jan 1, 1000 to Jan 1, 1500
Woodland Period (Native Americans begin farming and become less nomadic
Period: Jan 1, 1492 to Jan 1, 1493
Columbus: His ships - the Nina, The Pita, and the Santa Maria his voyagewas sponsored by Spain
Period: Jan 1, 1492 to Jan 1, 1493
He landed in the Caribbean
Period: Jan 1, 1500 to
Many tribes live in PA
Period: Jan 1, 1500 to
First contact with Europeans
Jamestown Virginia was settled
Henry Hudson explores the Delaware Bay area
Pilgrims settle in Plymouth
They called their ship the Mayflower
New sweden is founded
Peter Minuit had came from sweden, and then later founded the New Sweden, but he got the land from the indians that he paid them for the land. -
Peter Miniut comes to New Netherlands
Peter Minuit had fled from his home town in 1624 and arrived in holland, and then went to dutch and later arivved in New Netherlands. Then later he had planned to stay in America to sent for his new wife. -
The Dutch take over New Sweden
The Swedes and the dutch had forts all around New Sweden which then the Dutvh Govenor had sailed to New Amsterdam with 300 soldiers and capyured two forts and then the swedes surrendered to the dutch. Which then in this act the Swedes had taken oath to the dutch and then they were able to stay in the area/land of New Netherlands. -
England takes control of colony (New York)
In his time the the Birtish felt that they needed land in the colonies so they had gone across seas to take control of the land that was just conquered be the Dutch. So in 1664 the britsh had set sea acroos the atlantic for the land that was occupied by the Dutch in 1664 with ships and soliders to take control. -
William Penn is granted the charter of Pennslyvania
William Penn was a Quaker. His father was the the kings commander of the navy in England. At 12 he had two different beliefs that his friend and one he told his mom. He told his mom that god was always beside him and guiding his thoughts, and his friend told him that all people should live and worship god. Then later when he became a Quaker he was given a small part of land in the colonies which he called Penns Woods after his father. -
Prnnslyvania is founded
The word Pennslyvania comes from the words Penns woods. The king had money to pay for Sir Penns service to the king but the kings couldnt pay their family after the death of Sir Penn. So the king had desided to give the land in America for the family. Also for Quakers and he thought that it was a good way to pay the family. -
William Penn meets the Delaware indians
William was mostly concerned about how the indians and quakers would interact together. So he had set a meeting up with the leaders of the tribe and and the cheif. He had meet with three tribes and in the same place everytime to show peace and he was always unarmed with a weapon which means that he didnt carry a gun or any weapon, and they say he meet with them on the outskirts of philedelphia under a gigantic elm tree. -
William Penn dies
Ben Franklin arrives in Philadelphia
Walking Purchase
His children didnt have the same beliefs as William Penn so they didnt become Quakers and we not going to try to make peace with the indians like their father did. so then Logan peters and the Penn brothers had asked the Delaware indians to sell their land to the Penns and Logan but he had refused to sell his land and reminded them about the relationship with William Penn the Penn brothers father. -
French and Indian war
Western Pennslyvania was already controled by other groups like the English, French an Virginia. Also when Washington had arrived he was attacked by a small group of French men and Indians.Then Washington had surrender to theFrench which then they didnt let Washington and his troops back into the Virginia. -
Pontiac's Rebellion
the indians had wanted the British off of there land. He had believed thaat the Great Spirit was upset with him for stopping their tradtional ways. Pontiac had also convinced other tribes to work with him to get the British off of their land. The Bitish had be under the control of Bouquet And he had 500 well trained soldiers. He had gotten word that fort Pitt was surrounded and almost fell. -
Stamp Act
Townsend Acts
Anthracite Coal is first used in homes
Bosten Tea Party
the Intolerable Acts are passed
1st Continental Congress is held
They had still felt distraght by the British about the txation in the past year. So they had sent delagates over to the meeting in Britian. Where they had gone the delgates sent over had much debate. They had felt that the negotiation time had passed. Later the colonists had left Philadelphia hoping that King George would change his mind. -
2nd Continental Congress
Declaration of Independence
Pennslyvania state Constitution was written
They had made Ben Franklin the leader of the convention. With him leading him and the other delagates had finished the document. This document is historical because its wasn't put in the power of a common citizen and not the power of the wealthy elite. -
Washington occupies Valley Forge
The army was at its lowest point going into Valley Forge after the lost in Germantown. So Washington had gone in rag to a Valley Forge for a winter, but the British could of won the war if they had follow the army to Valley Forge but they had decided not to follow them, to Valley Forge. -
The Aritcles of Confederation are adoptedby the syaes
The U.S. Constitution is adopted
John Fitch invents the steamboat
He was able to persuade Philadelphia inventors to try again on the Steamboatand after he worked with them and the project was a success. Also, With in a year hehad a line of steamboats from Philadephia and Burlington, New Jersey. -
George Washington is elected President
Cornplanter's Grant
Lancaster Pike is completed
The Lancaster Pike had made traveling easier from Lancaster to Philadelphia in 12 hours, and before this was finished it use to take days to get there. It had also been a great financial success.