140623151102 03 wwi chemical weapons 0623 restricted


  • Imperialism

    There was imperialism. Imperialism happened in European countries such as France and Britain. They created a large lot of power and made themselves rich with all of it. Russia and Germany saw what they were doing and wanted to do their own empire as well. All of this imperialism caused WWI. https://www.ducksters.com/history/world_war_i/causes_of_ww1.php
  • Europe ready for war

    Europe ready for war
    Before WWI started, Europe was tense about starting a war between the countries in Europe. The secret alliances and internal politics are desiring to grow now. Their empire and powers will build up during the war gaining power from battling each other. This has now caused WWI. All the European country that decided to do the war is now commanded. https://www.ducksters.com/history/world_war_i/causes_of_ww1.php.
  • Quiren M. Grossel

    Quiren M. Grossel
    Quiren M. Grossel was nicknamed “Big Boy” during his time of service. He was a German American in Wisconsin. He survived the bayonet attack after being captured behind the enemy lines. He’s been in hospitals many times in the US and France and kept a diary to record his experiences. He also developed a special camaraderie with other wounded soldiers. https://memory.loc.gov/diglib/vhp/story/loc.natlib.afc2001001.00296/.
  • Frank Woodruff

    Frank Woodruff
    Frank Woodruff Buckles has done many bad things such as lying to the Military recruiter to get into the army and then pestering his officers into shipping them into France. He soon after worked for the White Star steamship line and was in a Manila business in December of 1941. He soon then became a prisoner at the city’s University of Santo Tamas. https://memory.loc.gov/diglib/vhp/story/loc.natlib.afc2001001.01070/.
  • Allies

    Countries and allies included Germany, Russia, France, Belgium, and Britain. Every country that was included wanted to declare war on Germany. Later, Japan also declares war and was on Germany’s side. Austria declares war on Belgium. The US stayed neutral for the majority of the war. https://www.ducksters.com/history/world_war_i/causes_of_ww1.php.
  • greatest attack

    greatest attack
    In the second battle, Germany launched the first gas attack in world history. It was a successful gas attack in history as well. At the end of the war, both Allies and the Central powers used chemical weapons to defeat each other. This started to cause serious damage to the soldiers and the citizens since gas travels in the air. People are now required to wear gas masks in order to survive. https://www.theworldwar.org/learn/about-wwi/key-dates.
  • Leo Joseph

    Leo Joseph
    Leo Joseph has written a letter to his sister who is unnamed at the moment and saying how he is at these places and sharing his experience with his sister. Then soon later joined the army and said how exhausting it is. Leo said he has done some gun training and it sored his hands. Leo also said that his sister should visit sometime. https://memory.loc.gov/diglib/vhp/story/loc.natlib.afc2001001.76979/zoomturner?ID=pm0002001&page=1.
  • Rex Bixby

    Rex Bixby
    Rex Bixby served in the army for two years in the National Guard in 1917, but then transferred schools to Military Aeronautics in Texas in 1918. He now does pilot training and has a scrapbook he took while transferring schools. Later, he crashed with a few others and later died during the training mission. https://memory.loc.gov/diglib/vhp/story/loc.natlib.afc2001001.26649/.
  • Who was the blame?

    Who was the blame?
    Many people say Germany was the blame for WWI. Germany did this for “world power” and that’s why WWI was the start but Germany knew that they would lose so they included other countries to be in their ally like Russia. Germany caused lots of damage in WWI and historians blame Germany for the cause of this war. https://www.ducksters.com/history/world_war_i/causes_of_ww1.php
  • Ellsworth DeWitt

    Ellsworth DeWitt
    Ellsworth DeWitt is a soldier, sailor, coast guardsman, and engineer (also known as Dewey to his family). He was soon attacked by a supply problem while overseas. The amount of gasoline on the ship arriving at Normandy was the first wave of the advance section. His family received a letter saying “What can be said now can hardly do justice to what happened.” The family assumed that he died. https://memory.loc.gov/diglib/vhp/story/loc.natlib.afc2001001.09087/.