On June 28 1914, Franz Ferninand was assassinated along with his wife and then soon enough it caused WW1 -
Period: to
World War 1
Unresticted Warfare
In Feburary 1915, Germany annouced unrestricted warfare againt all ships, that entered warzone all around Britain -
Edith Cavell
Edith was betrayed by overman soilders and was arrested for causing treason -
War against Germany
Tension arose between Germany and the U.S. because Britian was trading partners with the U.S., Our ships were sunken by German mines -
Nurses in the war
U.S. medical teams became the first American representative troops to arrive into the war zone. -
Request for Leave
NAsh requsted to leave to war for 5 days to go on a visit to London, for he had been in the Naval reserve for over a year and never did request a leave then. He thought he deserved a little break from the war for all of his detirmination and hard work. -
Beatrice Macdonald
U.S. Army Nurse Beatrice Macdonald came up upon an enemy fire during an air raid. A piece of an snrapnel from a bomb blast sliced through her eye. -
Expanding Care
Army nurses began serving in more areas. They began to serve in France, Belgium, England, Siberia, Italy, Serbia, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and in the Phillipines. -
Orders to Lucius B. Nash
Lucius Nash was ordered by the Bureau of Navigation to be detached from duty in office. They were going to send him to the port and report to the commanding officer -
Letter to Father
Nash wrote his father a letter during the war and kept him posted about what was happening and what was going on with him and the war. He also included how much he missed home and how much he missed seeing his family. He wrote this letter to his dad to wish him a happy birthday. -
Germany asked for Armstice
Germany asked allies to agree to stop fighting. They knew that they could no longer win the war. (Treaty of Versailles) -
Transferring Nash to Naval
The Administrationof the Naval reserve force established Nash's qualifications for him to be eligable to work on board combat ships of the Navy. He was transfered to the Naval reserve by the Commanding Officer. -
Removed from Duty
Nash received a letter from the Administration to be excused from duty and the war. During this time he could go home and visit his family that he had missed very much and had not seen in years. He got to leave Germany and go back home.