World War 1

  • Gustav's over all life

    Gustav's over all life
    Gustav Hermann Kissel was class of 1913, he was in the air force and on his first combat he was killed. In his childhood he played sports and was very athletic. He was an important figure in his school for many associations and even an editor for Orange and Blue. He went to college in Harvard and on his last year to graduate he changed his mind and went to army. He was 22 when he joined the army.
  • Memories from paper

    Memories from paper
    About 12 million letters where delivered to the front every week. Soldiers wrote letters or diaries to tell their family members their thoughts and feelings, while they where away. Many soldiers knew that they would die and accepted it, so they would include in their diary probably on the first page the address and the persons name that they wanted to receive the letters. By the end of the war 2 billion letters and 114 million parcels had been delivered. Diaries where more used then letters.
  • Building and Grounds

    Building and Grounds
    I noticed that even the tree's where protected based by the picture. I think that if the tree's where covered and protected then I can almost imagine what a new solider would feel as they where walking up the building. They would probably feel like they are even more protected in the building, and that they have high security. The building looks gigantic and appears to be 3 maybe 4 stories.
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a important person from Serbia. Ferdinand was from Austria Hungary a royal person. Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia and that is where it all begins. Both countries have allies and those allies have more allies, so if one joins the rest follows. This is the start and main cause of War World 1.
  • Trench struggles

    Trench struggles
    In trench warfare, the two sides that where fighting would dig trenches. This prevented the other side from advancing and gave them shelter or a secure place to be in during war. Most trenches were about 3 meters deep and only 1-2 meters wide. In all trenches it was common that their were rats, lice, and even frogs. If you where living in a trench and the weather was cold, it is common that you would lose your fingers, or toes due to frostbite.
  • Attack and dive

    Attack and dive
    Submarines where used by Britain, France, Russia, and the United States during war world 1. It was a very successful development that is now even used today. Submarines could strike, and you could not even notice from where it came from. In submarine all you had to do was raise the deck gun, attack and lower it. This was also know as an attack and dive.
  • Christmas spirit

    Christmas spirit
    For at least one day both sides feel the Christmas spirit and celebrate it together. The sound of Christmas carols made soldiers realize that on the other side of no man's land was other people like them singing. This encouraged both sides to come out of their trenches and get to know each other. They played soccer and exchanged gifts. The next day war continued and people acted like nothing happened.
  • Poison gas

    Poison gas
    German's first used poison gas to attack, and it was very successful. By successful I mean that it enabled a lot of people. So they could not see, and if you cannot see then you are not very useful for fighting in the middle of a war. The solution to poison gas was gas masks. If you where not wearing gas masks then another way to save your eyes from the gas attack was to soak your clothes in your urine and place it over your mouth. This protected you from a chlorine attack.
  • Mosquito net

    Mosquito net
    Other causes that killed people during the War World 1 was diseases. Malaria was one of the diseases that killed an outnumbered of people. Mosquitoes carried those diseases and spread it to people, that they bit. One of the things used to prevent this was a mosquito net. These nets needed to be soaked in a special insecticide solution every six months.
  • Harvard Report Card

    Harvard Report Card
    Kissel was an average student based on his grades. He took French as a foreign language. Four of his classes where Fine Arts, French, Geology, and Military science. He did not fail any classes. He has two A's, three B's and two C's so his grades are pretty good. He has interests in Arts and Science.
  • Here comes America

    Here comes America
    When Germany sends the Zimmerman telegram to Mexico it frustrates America. The Zimmerman telegram was a message to Mexico from Germany that encourages mexico to join them and they will help them get their states back from America. America was already decide on weather they should or shouldn't join the war. And this just helped them decide that they should. Germany had also attacked a commercial ship from America killing 100 American's.
  • Ready to depart

    Ready to depart
    Kissel just got his diary and he has begun writing on it. He is on a plane so he cannot write very legible. Someone told him that the plane is just about to depart in any minute. He and one of his friends where just given clothing. He first wrote on his diary on Tuesday July 17 1917.
  • Training = Sore

    Training = Sore
    Training for the military will include extreme workouts. Like for Kissel he explains how they drilled all day. He is exhausted and low on energy are other things that he includes to explain how he feels. He also explains that he has a high fever and that the weather makes it worse. Then he includes all of the names of people that will be going with him to the mission, they are a total of 18 people.
  • Wonders of the War

    Wonders of the War
    Kissel tested his new machine and he likes the results. It fly's great but the engine doesn't allow it to fly as high as he wished it would. In the night he saw the regiment march. They play the band and he heard them sing, as they marched up to the trenches. It was the most impressive thing to hear for all of them. He says that, "it filled ones mind with the wonders of the war."
  • Indian army joins war

    Indian army joins war
    The Indian army joins the war. During a battle called La Bassee, Britain asks for help, and that is when India joins the war. Not only did the Indian army join the war but also Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders and South Africans. Approximately a total of 1.5 million Indian soldiers joined. Because of so many countries joining the war is mostly the main reason why it is called a war world.
  • Peace for 20 years

    Peace for 20 years
    A formal agreement that enabled both sides from fighting was know as the famous Armistice. This had to be sighed in order for the Allied armies to invade Germany. The Armistice brought the war on the Western front to an end. After this, followed The Treaty of Versailles. This pretty much caused War World 2