
World War 1

  • 1919 BCE

    Coming Home

    Coming Home
    James is so glad he's coming home spending his time far away from his wife and mother. He cant waited to come home town in New York. He is coming over seas what he is seeing the firsts going to be the statue of liberty.He look around him and see everyone's face with a smile on their faces. He has to spend a couple of days before he could get home and his happy to say he didn't get sea sick.
  • James Bean

    James Bean
    William James Bean is born in 1888 and died in 1935. He lived in New York with his wife and mother and joined the army. He arrived in France in April, 1918, telling his wife and mother he has never felt better. James took his time looking at the people about what they think about the war. James says “all take off their hats to ‘Old Glory,’ as they see it passing by."
  • Domino Effect

    Domino Effect
    The domino effect happened to do with “MANIA”. When Ferdinand died Austria blamed Serbia and declared war. Germany support to Austria, and Russia support to Serbia then Germany declared war on Russia. France joins the fight and pledges to Russia so Germany also declared war on France. Germany is upset and goes to France to fight buy on the way the invade Belgium which Great Britain supports then declared war on Germany.
  • Assassination

    World war 1 was set off with a assassination of Franz Ferdinand. Franz was throne to the Austria-Hungarian during 1914 28 June with his wife. Franz and his wife visited the town of Sarajevo, Bosnia were his assassins was at. Franz took a turn to take a break for a stop right in front of his assassins. The assassin's name is Cigarillo Principe, he was with the Black Hand group and he killed Franz and his wife.
  • No Mans Land

    No Mans Land
    No Man's Land is part were the war was happening having each side being stalemate. Never sides moved but only fired bullets at the enemy, the solution was to make trench for the men be under fire. No man's land was between the western and southern parts of the Walls of Jerusalem and Musharraf. The land was a massacre from machine guns, tanks, and prison gas making it even more blood. The men could get hardly any land to move up before the get short or boomed away.
  • Christmas Truce

    Christmas Truce
    During December the sound of firing and bombs were fading away. They soon stop with the holiday celebrations in the trenches and having goodness between them. On Christmas Eve the German and British troops start to sing both together. The first light of dawn some German troops came out and start walking into no mans land. The German came to them calling a Merry Christmas, the Allied thought it was a trick seeing them unarmed them came out and shook hands and later playing a good game of soccer.
  • United States join the fight

    United States join the fight
    A ship called “Lusitania” had been carrying 1,198 civilians lives. The Germany U-Boat attacked the ship and skunked it, thought those 1,198 civilians lives where 100 Americans. United states were staying out of the fight and not getting involved but joined in 1917. We joined for the allies needed help and killing these 100 Americans.
  • porsin Gas

    porsin Gas
    The British used porsin gas for the first time in 25 September 1915. The battle was called “Battle Of Loos stars”. The British used about 140 tons of chlorine gas throwing into Germany lines. However some luck came to Germany for the changing wind and blew the gas back to the British. Also during the battle saw the first large scale Kitchener's army.
  • Letter to Mother

    Letter to Mother
    He tells his mother how his boy is doing in camp and getting used to the environment. He wakes up with everyone else at 6:30 in the morning to do a 5 miles run around the camp. They work out to get the blood moving and only seeing about 10 ft in front of him for a foggy. He talks about what is happening around him like a group of people keeping them away for probably being sick. States to joke around about being short of 4 men being taller about ‘6,4’ and his height being ‘5’.
  • Enjoying Time

    Enjoying Time
    James wrote a letter to his dear mother in (4/19/1918). He talks about how the weather keeps changing of rain stopping and starting coming back. He stayed at a hotel similar to the united States hotel. He hasn't heard anything from the U.S. of getting a letter and give all his love to his mother of having a good time as he is and having good health. He tried every beer and wine in France, having a good time with all the alcohol.