Winston Churchill

  • Winston Churchill birth and childhood

    Winston Churchill birth and childhood
    Winston Churchill was born on November 30, 1874. He was born in the Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, England. His parents are Lord Randolph Churchill Lady Randolph Churchill. He was mostly away from his family at boarding school. Churchill had two other siblings and was the oldest out of them. ("WInston Churchhill.")
  • Churchill attends Royal Military Academy Sandhurst

    Churchill attends Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
    After 3 entrance exams WInston was finally entered into Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. He later graduated and that's where he learned how to be the great military leader he was and prime minister he later became.("Royal)
  • Churchill elected to Commons

    Churchill elected to Commons
    Churchill was elected to the house of commons and because of his leadership and ability to talk. As part of the house of commons he is responsible for the primary executive positions as well. This is his first experience in politics.("Churchill and Parliament")
  • WW1 begins

    WW1 begins
    The assassination of the Austrian archduke, Franz Ferdinand first triggered the first WW1. The assassination started a domino effect because the world was split into different allies and each had to protect each other which brought each country into the war. The war took place for 4 years and finally ended on November 11, 1918 (Grun, Bernard)
  • Churchill appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer

    Churchill appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer
    Under Stanley Baldwin, Churchill was appointed Chancellor of Exchequer in 1941. He opted for Britain to rejoin the Gold Standard. This was a controversial decision however it brought more people to like him. This position eventually gave him the guidance to lead as Prime Minister. ("Churchill and Parliament")
  • Amelia Earhart makes her great journey

    Amelia Earhart makes her great journey
    Amelia Earhart was a great female aviator. She was the first female to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. She was also the first female to fly solo from Hawaii to the U.S. mainland. She held many records too.(Grun, Bernard)
  • Churchill battles in India

    Churchill battles in India
    Churchill was taken to India where he fights against Pathan and Afghan tribesmen on the northwest frontlines. After Churchill managed to obtain a temporary commission as Lieutenant with the 21st Lancers to Sudan. Winston got the action he was looking for.("WInston Churchill")
  • Churchill appointed to Prime minister

    Churchill appointed to Prime minister
    Neville Chamberlain, the prime minister before Winston, shows he is not ready to deal with Adolf Hitler and the rising axis powers so he steps down. Churchill a few days later sees this opportunity and gives a motivational speech saying that he will give this war everything he has.("How did WInston")
  • The attack on Pearl Harbor

    The attack on Pearl Harbor
    The Japanese flew across the ocean and bombed several important ships and overall sank 20 ships and 300 planes. More than 2,400 Americans died in the attack and another 1,00 were injured. The attack on Pearl Harbor was a devastating attack on the US naval base in Hawaii.(Grun, Bernard)
  • Winston leads through WW2

    Winston leads through WW2
    Winston Churchill gave great motivational speeches because of his strong ability to talk. He was also a good friend with Franklin D. Roosevelt that would help them through the war. He had a meeting discussing if they should put more troops on more lines and aiding Russia. He would do anything he could to help benefit them in the war.("Winston Churchill")
  • Germany struggles

    Germany struggles
    Germany surrenders and loses WW2 and the whole world is rejoiced. Not only is the war over the war in Germany is also over. Germany surrendering allows the jewish people to be released from the camps and no more attacks and mass killings of people.(Grun, Bernard)
  • The first atomic bomb was dropped

    The first atomic bomb was dropped
    On August 6 Japan was devastated when it was hit by an atomic bomb in Hiroshima. Dropped by the enola gay the bomb instant,ley killed 80 thousand people and later killed many from radiation that still goes on today. Nagasaki was then also laster hit by another atomic bomb that killed 40 thousand people immediately and also more later to radiation.(Grun, Bernard)
  • Winston mines and quarries act

    Winston mines and quarries act
    The Winston mines and quarries act was very important. It improved the working environment for young children and women working in coal mines and stone quarries. Ensured higher safety within the mines and rescue stations with trained staff. ("WInston Churchill")
  • Churchill retires

    Churchill retires
    Winston Churchill retires in 1955. After a severe stroke, Churchill says he is breaking down mentally and physically. He was succeeded by Anthony Eden. He spent most of his days of retirement with his wife, Clementine Churchill.("WInston Churchill Resigns)
  • The tsar bomba

    The tsar bomba
    The tsar bomba was the biggest atomic bomb ever made. This bomb was made and dropped by the soviet union in October of 1961. The power of this bomb was 50 megatons of TNT.(Grun, Bernard)
  • Churchill dies

    Churchill dies
    Churchill dies at the age of 90 on January 24, 1966. He was having medical issues and by the second stroke he had we was killed. We was payed tribute to after his death by the queen and he is now currently buried in Westminster Abbey.("WInston Churchhill.")