William harrison

William Harrison BO

  • Benjamin Harrison (Dad)

    Benjamin Harrison (Dad)
    He was a signer of the Declaration of Independence and he was born on April 5, 1726 at Charles City County, Virginia and he died on April 24, 1791 at City Point, Virginia
  • Elizabeth Bassett Harrison (Mom)

    Elizabeth Bassett Harrison (Mom)
    She was born on December 13, 1730 at Berkeley, Virginia and she died in 1792 in Berkeley, Virginia
  • Birth

    Born on February 9, 1773
  • Birth Place

    Birth Place
    William was born in Berkeley, Charles City County, Virginia
  • Full Name

    Full Name
    William Henry Harrison is his full name
  • William's Wife

    William's Wife
    Her name was Anna Tuthill Symmes Harrison. She was born on July 25, 1775 and died on February 25, 1864
  • Education

    William was homeschooled until college. He went to Hampden-Sydney College and enrolled to the University of Pennsylvania for medical school, but he dropped out and served in the military instead.
  • Religion

    Him and his family were Episcopalian
  • Date of Graduation

    Date of Graduation
    none (attended college from 1787-1790)
  • Military Experience

    Military Experience
    He was part of the Continental Army. His ranking was general and commander in chief and captain. He joined the army in 1791 and resigned in 1814 completely
  • Job Before Presidency

    Job Before Presidency
    A soldier in the Continental Army
  • Medicine

    William was going to go to college to study medicine to become a doctor, but instead he dropped out of college to enroll into the army
  • Governmental Positions

    Governmental Positions
    Given command of Fort Washington
    Secretary of the Northwest Territory
    U.S. House of Representatives
    Territorial governor of Indiana and superintendent of Indian Affairs
    Commissioned major general of Kentucky militia
    Commissioned brigadier general in U.S. Army
    Major general in chief command of the Northwest
    Head commissioner
    Member of Ohio State
  • Married

    He got married to Anna Tuthill Symmes Harrison on November 25, 1795
  • Children

    He had 10 children: Elizabeth Bassett Harrison 1796-1846, John Cleves Symmes Harrison 1798-1830, Lucy Singleton Harrison 1800-1826, William Henry Harrison 1802-1838, John Scott Harrison 1804-1878, Benjamin Harrison 1806-1840, Mary Symmes Harrison 1809-1842, Carter Bassett Harrison 1811-1839, Anna Tuthill Harrison 1813-1845, and James Findlay Harrison 1814-1817
  • Nickname

    given the nickname "old tippecanoe" after being the commanding general at the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    He served as a general in the army and led his troops to one of the major victories in the war at the Battle of the Thames
  • Speech

    He gave his most famous speech which was over a hour long. He didn't wear any warm clothing on that day and it was raining and freezing cold. He ended up getting pneumonia and dying from it soon after his speech.
  • Favorite Food

    Favorite Food
    before his death, he ate his favorite food, squirrel stew
  • President Number

    President Number
    The 9th President of the United States of America
  • Political Party

    Political Party
    Whig Party Convention
  • Oldest Elected At the Time

    Oldest Elected At the Time
    Harrison was elected at age 67 which was the oldest to be elected back then
  • Death

    Died from pneumonia on April 4, 1841 at Washington D.C.
  • Time in Office

    Time in Office
    served 31 days in office before dying from pneumonia
  • Vice President

    Vice President
    His name was John Tyler who became president after William died in office
  • Laws Developed during Presidency

    Laws Developed during Presidency
    None because he died after 31 days of being president
  • Shortest Term

    Shortest Term
    Harrison served the shortest term in history by only serving 31 days before dying from pneumonia
  • Buried

    He is buried at the William Henry Harrison Memorial State Park, North Bend, Ohio
  • Last Words

    Last Words
    He thought he was talking to his vice president, John Tyler, and he said, "Sir, I wish you to understand the true principles of government. I wish them carried out. I ask nothing more."
  • Benjamin Harrison

    Benjamin Harrison
    He was the only president to have a grandson to become president