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William Goldings' Important Events

  • Birth

    Born in Cornwall, England. He lived in his grandparents house
  • Birth

    Born in Cornwall, England. He grew up in his grandparents house
  • Attending School

    Attending School
    Began attending Brasenose College at Oxford in 1930. He was studying Science, but then switched to literature
  • First Work Published

    First Work Published
    Was called, a book of poem, called Poems. Was released 20 years before LOTF
  • First Work Published

    First Work Published
    Published his first work, a book of poem, called Poems. Released 20 years before LOTF
  • First Job

    First Job
    Took a position teaching English and Philosophy. Worked at Bishop Wordsworth’s School in Salisbury.
  • First Job

    First Job
    Gets a position teaching English and Philosophy. Works at Bishop Wordsworth’s School in Salisbury.
  • Joins Military (Navy)

    Joins Military (Navy)
    Joined the Royal Navy to participate in World War II. He spent next 5 years serving his nation, then he went back to teaching.
  • Joins Military (Navy)

    Joins Military (Navy)
    Joined to participate in WWll. He spent next 5 years serving his nation, then he went back to teaching.
  • Career Switch

    Career Switch
    After World War II had ended, He went back to teaching and writing.
  • Publishes 2nd Book

    Publishes 2nd Book
    Published Lord of the Flies. Novel is his most famous work
  • Publishes 2nd Book

    Publishes 2nd Book
    Published Lord of the Flies. The novel is his most famous work.
  • Death

    Died of a heart attack. He died in Perranarworthal, Cornwall.
  • Death

    Died of a heart attack. Passed away in Perranarworthal, Cornwall.