William Golding

By toalee
  • Williams Birth

    Born in Cornwall, England. His mothers name was Mildred and she was a strong supporter of the British suffragette movement. His father, Alec, was a school teacher and advocate.
  • Schooling

    Began attending Brasenose College at Oxford to learn science. He spent 2 years doing the course but soon realised that literature appealed to him more.
  • Study

    He spent 2 years studying science at the university of Oxford. This was due to his fathers wish of him becoming a scientist, however later he decided he didn’t want to follow his fathers wishes and decided to become a scientist.
  • Study

    He switched to the literature program at school, because he dreamed of writing poetry. This ultimately was the start of his career as an author as he discovered his passion and began writing.
  • Job

    After he graduated he began working as a writer, actor and producer. He was largely influenced by the theatre in his writing, so his experiences in the field largely impacted his writing style and poetry at the time.
  • Marriage

    He married Ann Brookfield after breaking off a previous engagement, she worked as an analytical chemist. He had 2 children with her, Judy and David, born 1940 and 1945 respectively.
  • Job

    He then switched to teaching English and philosophy at Bishop Wordsworth school as he dreamed of being a teacher. He stayed at the school for 22 years of his life.
  • Joined the Navy

    He joined the British navy in order to help with the war effort. He assisted in the sinking of the German warship called Bismarck during WWII as well as commanding a rocket launch when invading France. After 5 years he returned and focused on his writing career.
  • Wrote Lord of the Flies

    After returning from the war he had inspiration for his next book, he then began writing lord of the flies which he published in 1954. The book faced 21 rejections during its time but now is regarded as one of the best novels of all time.
  • Job

    He then left the school he worked at and became a writer full time. In 1983 he won the Nobel Prize for his extensive literature in his parables of the human condition.
  • Death

    He died in Cornwall at the age of 81 due to heart failure.