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Willard Van Orman Quine (25 June 1908 - 25 December 2000

  • Birth

    Quine was born in Akron, Ohio.
  • Oberlin University

    Oberlin University
    Graduated with BA in Mathematics in 1930 where he received a scholarship to Harvard.
  • Harvard University

    Harvard University
    Quine subsequently earned his Ph.D. of Philosophy in 1932. Quine was appointed a Harvard Junior Fellow which excused him from teaching for four years. In this time he began his travels around the world thanks to the Sheldon Fellowship.
  • European Travels

    Quine traveled the European continent for three years after earning his degree from Harvard meeting philosophers and logistitions from around the world including Rudolf Carnap and Alfred Tarski.
  • WWII

    During the war Quine served in Washington D.C. as a Naval Officer. He held this position from 1942-1945. Upon completion of this tour he returned to Harvard as a full proffessor.
  • Quine's Work

    The Harvard Professor completed work in several areas of philosophy (logic, ontology, epistemology, and the philosophy of language). His most noted however, was his work on epistemology.
  • Epistemology by Quine

    "he rejected epistemological foundationalism, the attempt to ground knowledge of the external world in allegedly transcendent and self-validating mental experience. The proper task of a “naturalized epistemology,” as he saw it, was simply to give a psychological account of how scientific knowledge is actually obtained."
    -Britannica Source
  • The Boolos Panel

    The link below is to The Boolos Panel where Dr. Quine elaborates along with several other philosophers on their beliefs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NmVVu7gF9c
  • Works by Quine

    Works by Quine
    Quine, W. V. Word and Object. M.I.T. Press, 1960.
    Quine, W. V.). The Roots of Reference. Open Court, 1974.
  • Quine

    Dr. Quine completed work in so many different areas of philosophy, it is hard to limit what was done. He influenced the world in ways that many people will never understand. For his work throughout his career he received Schock prize in Logic and Philosophy (1993) and the Kyoto prize in Arts (1996)
  • Death

    Quine passed in Boston, Massachusetts.