
When The Legends Die

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    Frank No Deer Dies

    George kills Frank after learning that he was repeatedly stealing from him.
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    Tom's Family moves into the wild

    After George kills Frank, they move into the wilderness to continue living their lives.
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    George Black Bull Dies

    George Black Bull is killed from an avalanche when he is on the mountain hunting.
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    Bessie Goes Back to Pagosa

    Bessie returns to Pagosa and learns that George's reputation has been wiped but she hesitates to move back.
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    Bessie Dies

    Bessie soon suffers from illness and sadly dies leaving Tom all alone.
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    Tom Meets Red Dillon

    When Tom meets Red Dillon, Red is impressed by his uncanny ability to ride wild bronco. He decides to train him.
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    Red Dillon Dies

    Tom and Meo were informed of Red's illness. Tom rushes to Red's rescue but he dies in his arms.
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    Killer Tom Black is Born

    When Tom enters the professinal circut, he earns the name "Killer Tom Black" when he continues to exhibit his skills and brutality.
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    Meo's Death

    After a brutal ride, Tom breaks his arm. He leaves the hospital to visit Meo. When he struggle to find him and he learns that he had died a few weeks prior.
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    Tom Gets Critically Injured

    During another one of Tom's rides, he takes a hard fall and is rushed to a hospital. The doctors says he shouldn't ride again with his injuries but he refuses and returns home to train.
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    Abuse In Pagosa

    When Tom returns to Pagosa he undergoes a lot of trauma. He thinks back to his childhood with his family having to move away and his parents dying. He is mentally abused by Jim Thatcher, and he regrets his mistakes in life. Mainly, his inability to kill the bear that killed the lamb.
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    The Ending

    Tom wants to redeem himself with killing the bear. He find the bear but finds himself unable to shoot it again. In his dreams the All-Mother appears and defends him from the fury of nature's element, claiming Tom as her son. Tom leaves the bear alone and engages in the old Ute ways. The novel ends with his contentment in his solitary life in the wilderness and in the ways of his heritage.