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BEN FRANKLIN!!!!!!!!!!
The Horrors
When Ben was born four of his brothers died. Two of them died as babies and Josiah ran away from home and was drowned at sea. Sixteen month old, Ebenezer, ran away from his mother and was drowned in a tub of his father's soapsuds. -
School for the Special
Ben's father thought that Ben was special so he thought that maybe he shouldn't be an average Leather Apron. So, he sent Ben to Latin School to be a preacher. -
Ben's Lessons
Ben became more of an expert. He learned to swim on his belly and soon made paddles, he went faster, but the paddles were to heavy that he didn't get far. -
A New School
Ben's father took Ben out of Latin School and put him into an ordinary writing and arithmetic school for two years. But when he was 10, Mr. Franklin took him out of school altogether. -
Deciding the Future
Ben was trying his best to decide what he wanted to be. Soap and Candle business? No. Sea man? No. An apprentice? No, no, no, and NO! Ben didn't like the idea of being an apprentice.. However his father talked to him about working for Ben's brother. -
Looking for Fun
Benjamin tried poetry and was good at it. However, his father didn't approve. Benjamin wrote letters to his brother's newspaper, by the name, of Silent DoGood. Also, he loved reading books. He even became a vegetarian and used half of his paycheck to buy more books. -
Bragging Off
When Ben had saved much money he decided to buy a new suit of clothing and watch with a long gold chain. He dropped himself off at his brothers print shop and started, well, you know, bragging. James was so angry it took almost years for the brothers to make up! -
The Better Behaved
Back in Philadelphia Benjamin was better behaved. He had a naturally disposition and made friends easily. Soon he formed a club with people who liked reading, arguing, and trying out new ideas. -
The Wife
Back in Philadelphia Ben lived on High Street. One side of the street was the Delaware River. On the other side was Debbie Read, whom he courted and married. Ben and Debbie were married in 1730. -
Inventions and the Big Idea
Be tough up many.... interesting inventins. For example, thought up a chair with astep ladder in it an othr inventins for vey day use. However, non of these wre hi Big Idea. His Big idea was that lightning wa te same as electricity. Ben created te lightning rod and this theory. -
Hello, Paris!!
Ben went to Paris, France to sign the Treaty of Paris. -
The Sad Ending
This part, is very sad. For, it is the death of Mr. Benjamin Franklin. His accomplishments were becoming president of a government and discovered electricity. So, Ben died at 11 o'clock on the night of April 17, 1790 at the late age of 84.