1446 BCE
Hewbrews Escape Enslavement in Egypt
Moses helped the Hebrews escape slavery in Egypt. He told the Hewbrews God would help them. God then instructed Moses to put his staff over the sea, causing the Red Sea to part, allowing the Hebrews and Moses to escape from Egypt safely and unharmed. After they escaped, they based themselves at Mount Sinai, which was where Moses got the 10 commandments. -
1312 BCE
Torah is Written
The Torah is the first section of the Jewish Bible. It contains 613 commandments, 10 of them being the most common, which all Jews follow. The Torah teaches Jews how to act and what to believe in if you are going to be a part of Judaism. Just like the ten commandments, the Torah is the heart of Judaism. People to this day follow its statements, and it has kept Judaism in tact--especially with it now being in paper, it makes it easier to access. -
1290 BCE
Moses Receives 10 Commandments
For forty days and nights, Moses was at the peak of Mt. Sinai, receiving all of the commandments God had for him and everyone else. Some of the ten, most important commandments are: putting God first, to worship only God, do not lie, steal, or be envious, use His name with respect, don't hurt others and be faithful in marriage. The ten commandments are like the foundation to all of Islam--they're the core--because they’re what all Muslims follow today. -
1 CE
Jesus is Born
Jesus is Crucified
During the time of Jesus’ crucifixion, the Romans were “in charge.” Jesus was called their King by some Romans, and because Jesus claimed he was the Son of God, the King arrested him. Jews thought Jesus was troublesome, so they turned him in to the Romans. He was nailed to a large wooden beam, without food or water, and was hung to death. His disciples followed his path, like St. Paul, to honor him and helped it become the most followed religion worldwide. -
Saint Paul Spreads Christianity
After the death of Jesus in 36 AD, Saint Paul, one of Jesus' main and most loyal followers, traveled the world in hopes of spreading Christianity. He did this until his death in 64 AD. -
Fall of the Temple in Jerusalem
Romans Ban Christianity
When you belong to a religion, you tend to believe in things that your religion says you should. So when Christians “invade” Rome, they ban it entirely. Some believe that it was because Christians refused to worship the emperor. Albeit a major cause was the fact that Christians refused to worship Romans’ gods and participate in sacrifices. When emperor Constantine came along, he ended up converting tons of Romans to Christianity, eventually turning Rome into a Christian-dominant country. -
Christianity Becomes Official Religion of Roman Empire
Muhammad is Born
Quran is Revealed to Muhammad
The Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad by God between a span of 23 years. After Muhammad, his companions, who had all memorized the Quran, compiled it into a written format. They distributed it around the world, for more to learn and join their ways/beliefs. -
Muslims after Mecca
After the Muslims escaped Mecca, they captured it. Ka’ba is also cleansed, pilgrimage rights are Islamized, and tribes of Arabia vow an allegiance to Muhammad. -
Islam Splits in Two: Sunni and Shia
The separation between the two countries trace all the way back to the death of Muhammad in 632 AD. An argument over the succession of Muhammad as a caliph of Islam spread across the world. This political dispute over whether or not Muhammad would be a caliph kick started the battles Jamal and Siffin. With the Sunnis winning, they chose a successor to be the first caliph and the once whole country are now two. The separation effected everyone worldwide with ISIS starting up. -
Gutenberg Bible is the First Printed Bible
This allows for the things taught within the bible to spread worldwide more easily. -
Christian Kingdom of Constantinople Falls to Muslims