Warren Buffett's Life

  • Birth

    Born in Nebraska
  • Buys his first stock

    Buys his first stock
    Buffett buys his first stock at the age of 11.Buffett pays $38.25 each for three shares of Cities Service preferred. It falls to around $27, then rebounds to $40, prompting Buffett to sell at a small profit.
  • Family moves to Wasington

    Family moves to Wasington
    Buffett delivers newspapers and tries various business ventures.He arrives with around $120 and leaves several years later with $10,000, roughly $100,000 in 2018 dollars.
  • Discovers “The Intelligent Investor”

    Discovers “The Intelligent Investor”
    In 1949, while a student at the University of Nebraska, he reads “The Intelligent Investor” by Benjamin Graham. It profoundly shapes his investing philosophy, providing him with the three basic principles that will guide him from then on.
  • Marries Susan Thompson

    Marries Susan Thompson
    Warren Buffett and Susan Thompson are married in Omaha. Thompson had been college roommates with Buffett’s sister Roberta.
  • Starts first Buffett Partnership

    Starts first Buffett Partnership
    At the age of 25, he starts a partnership with seven investors, including his father-in-law, his sister Doris, his aunt Alice, and a college roommate.The initial investments total just over $105,000. Buffett puts $100 of his own money into the partnership.His fee is 50 percent of profits above a 4 percent gain, but he also agrees to cover 25 percent of any losses.
  • Stock milestone

    Stock milestone
    In January, the price of one share of Berkshire Hathaway stock tops $50,000 for the first time. The market value of the company is $76.4 billion
  • Teams with Gates Foundation to give away almost all his wealth

    Teams with Gates Foundation to give away almost all his wealth
    Rather than go through the distraction and expense of creating his own charity, Buffett “outsources” most of the work to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
  • Treatment for prostate cancer

    Treatment for prostate cancer
    On April 17, Buffett reveals he has been diagnosed with stage I prostate cancer. But, he assures shareholders, “The good news is that I’ve been told by my doctors that my condition is not remotely life threatening or even debilitating in any meaningful way.” In September, after completing two months of daily radiation treatments, Buffett is “so glad to say that’s over” and jokes about his long-standing plan to be the world’s oldest man.
  • Stock milestone

    Stock milestone
    In December, the price of one share of Berkshire Hathaway stock tops $300,000 for the first time. The market value of the company is $489.4 billion.