War Horse Timeline

  • A friend

    Once in France, Joey met a horse, Topthorne. Captain Nicholls had a big admiration for Joey
  • Colt

    Albert was a boy that worked in his father's farm, one day his father brought a colt that he had just bought, Albert named him Joey
  • Joey is Sold

    Albert trained Joey to work in the farm and they became good friends. When war break out Alberts father sold Joey to Captain Nicholls, Joey now belonged to the army
  • Am German Now

    Later that Captain Nicholls died in combate Joey and Topthorne were captured by the Germans and where held in an old man's farm, the old man lived with her nephew, Emily.
  • Back to war

    Joey and Topthorne stayed in the oldman's farm for some months but the germans had camed back and took them, they had to carry the bodys of the hurt and dead man from the front lines to the hospital
  • No food

    With no food or water Topthorne, Joey and the other horses didn't had much energy and where about to die and in a very bad shape
  • Saying bye to a good Friend

    Topthorne and Joey where escapeing with the germans, in that Topthorne feels dead to the flor, Joey couldn't walk any more. When he started runing away from the gun sounds, he ran to the dark.
  • Veterinary

    The inglish man sent Joey to a veterinary that was far from the sounds of the war, the foctor that attended Joey was Albert, he had came to the war to find his horse, Joey, Joey is the first to notice that Albert was attending him then albert's friend, David, told him that the horse he was with look just like Joey, there is where Albert noticed he was Joey
  • Heads or tails

    Joey stoped runing, he had wound himself with a barbed wire in his leg, a German and inglish soldiers camed to Joey peacefully and fliped a coin to see who would stay with the horse. The inglish man won
  • Tetanus

    Everything was going good until the day that Hoey was acting a little wird, when they checked him they noticed the wire that he had cut himself with in the no mans land had coused him tetanus, but they didn't gave up and in some weeks Joey was cured
  • Back to home

    Albert told his story to the old man an the old man accepted it and gave Joey back to Albert, when they got back home Albert got married but her wife never liked Joey very mouch and she also felt jealous of him.
  • Hard work

    Joey and Albert carryed the ill men and horses from the front line back to the veterinary and hospital. One day bad news came, David, Albert's friend had died, since then Albert hadn't been the same, he didn't talked to Joey any more, when war camed to an end every one was happy because it had ended but they where not celebrating.
  • Joey is Sold again

    When the war ended the captain sayed that the horses shall not return with the soldiers so they where going to be sold in france, when it was Joey turn an old man bought him, it was the ourner of the farm Joey and Topthorne had been to, he bought it because emely had died and he promised her that he would get Joey and Topthorne back but he could never find Topthorne