W.V Quine

  • 1908

    William Van Quine was born in Akron, Ohio on June 25,1908.
  • 1930

    In 1930 he obtained his bachelors degree from Oberlin College. Then went to Harvard University for his graduate program where he concentrated on logic, during this time his supervisor was Alfred North Whitehead. He then later received his doctorate in 1932.
  • 1934

    In 1934 Quine wrote A System of Logic, which contributed significantly to the development of mathematical set theory. After much research Quine created a new theory that had drawbacks. After creating this new theory, he wrote Mathematical Logic in 1940 which presented a superior system. His new theory traced relations between his own system of set theory and others.
  • 1947

    In 1947 and 1948 Quine wrote two articles, which describe Quine's idea of ontology. "Ontic" theory means consists of assertions of existence. “He made clear that accepted scientific theories allow for more than one ontic theory and that it is incorrect to seek to determine that one such ontic theory is true. He proposed a method for explaining the ontic importance of a theory, calling for creation of the statements where a theory contains symbolic expressions with existential importance.”
  • 1951

    In 1951 Quine wrote "Two Dogmas of Empiricism" which was his denial of the validity of the analytic-synthetic distinction. Quine stated that, “According to this distinction, every statement in any system of knowledge is either synthetic or analytic. A synthetic statement is true or false as a matter of fact, and an analytic statement is true or false without reference to fact but with reference to meanings or formal rules within the language in which the statement is expressed.”
  • 1957

    In 1957 he was elected president of the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association, then later in December of 1971 he delivered the prestigious Carus Lectures to the American Philosophical Association.
  • Picture

    This is a picture of a book that was written by W.V Quine.
  • Work Cited

    “Willard Van Orman Quine.” Encyclopedia of World Biography, Encyclopedia.com, 5 Dec. 2019, https://www.encyclopedia.com/people/philosophy-and-religion/philosophy-biographies/w-v-quine.