Vincent van gogh

Vincent van Gogh

  • Vincent Willem van Gogh's birth.

    Vincent Willem van Gogh's birth.
    On the 30th March 1853, the post-impressionist artist Vincent Willem van Gogh is born in the town of Groot-Zundert, Netherlands.
  • Start of Vincent van Gogh's education.

    At an early age, Vincent van Gogh was given an education by his mother and a governess, and in 1860 (when he was around the age of 7) was sent to the town's school.
  • Van Gogh's adolescence.

    Van Gogh's adolescence.
    In 1866 Van Gogh was, forcefully, sent to the middle school of Tilburg, where he felt depressed. There he was taught art by the successful artist Constant Cornelis Huijsmans, who passed on his philosophy of rejecting technique in favour of capturing the impression of things, in particular nature, a theme which is very popular in his paintings.
  • Period: to

    Van Gogh's early adult hood.

    In 1869 Van Gogh was given a position in an art dealers by his uncle. Having completed his training he was transferred to the London branch of the company. This period was unusually good for young Van Gogh; being very successful at his job and making more than his father, only at the age of 20. He also fell deeply in love with his landlady's daughter but got rejected after confessing his feelings for her. Following his rejection, he grew more religious and isolated. In 1875 he was fired.
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    Van Gogh's art studies.

    After he got fired from his job, he travelled back to mainland Europe and worked various jobs, from a teacher to working as a missionary and finally a miner. In 1880 he followed his friend's recommendation and studied art with the Dutch artist Williem Reolofs at the Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts. In 1881 he became Anton Mauve apprentice, whom taught him to watercolour, but in 1882 he stopped teaching him for various personal reason (from both Van Gogh and Willeim Reolofs).
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    Van Gogh's life in Nuenen.

    In 1883 he moved to Nuenen where he focused on painting and drawing. There he completed numerous drawings and watercolours and nearly 200 oil paintings. In 1885 a dealer in Paris was interested in his painting, and in May Van Gogh made his first major work, The Potato Eaters. When he complained to his distributer that he wasn't selling his paintings enough. He responded that they were too grim and dark in colour for the style of Impressionism. In August his work was publicly.
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    Van Gogh's life in Antwerp.

    In November 1886 he moved to Antwerp and rented a room above a paint dealer's shop. There he lived in poverty and ate very poorly; his daily diet was bread, coffee and tobacco, preferring to spend his money on art supplies and models. He also studied colour theory and spend a lot of times in museums. He picked up heavy drinking and was hospitalised from February to March 1886. After his recovery he attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp, but after various conflicts he was expelled.
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    Van Gogh's life in Paris

    Van Gogh's moved to Paris in March 1886. There he painted paintings of friends and acquaintances, still life and various scenes in the city. He tried his hands at Japonaiserie, tracing a figure from a reproduction on the cover of the magazine of Paris Illustre. Conflicts arose with his brother (who also lived in Paris) but in 1887 they calmed down. He also learned a lot of typed of art. In February 1888 he left Paris and left for Arles.
  • Period: to

    Van Gogh's life in Arles.

    Suffering from various illnesses, Van Gogh sought refuge in Arles. During his one year stay in Arles, he managed to create 200 paintings and more than 100 drawings and watercolours. His inspiration was the local countryside and light; thus his works from this period are rich in yellow. He displayed his works in The Night Café. In 23 December 1888, he was verbally abused and thus severed his left ear.
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    Van Gogh's life in Auvers-sur-Oise

    In May 1890, Van Gogh left to move closer to his doctor, Dr Paul Gachet in the Paris suburb of Auvers-sur-Oise and to his brother. There he made his 2 last works, but it is not known which one is his final work. His works where mainly inspired by his "memories of the North", his surroundings and his doctor
  • Van Gogh's death.

    Van Gogh's death.
    On 27 July 1890, age 37, Van Gogh supposedly shot himself in the chest. There were no witnesses and he died 30 hours after the incident.