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Vicente Aleixandre

  • The day of her born

    He was born in Sevilla on April 26 of 1898
  • In Málaga

    in 1900, when he was 2 years old, he moved to Málaga.
    In Málaga he began primary school.
  • In Madrid

    In 1909 his family moved to Madrid. In Madrid he continued his studies at Teresiano School.
  • His baccalaureate degree

    In 1913 he got the baccalaureate degree
  • His titles

    In 1919 he got the degree in Law and the degree of Intedant Trade.
  • His first poems

    In 1926 He published his first poems in the Magazine of West.
  • Her friend Federico Garcia Lorca

    In October of 1927, he attended the premiere of Mariana Pinera and met Federico Garcia Lorca, with whom he had a friendship.
  • "Ambitó"

    In 1928, he published "Ambitó" his first collection of poems in the magazine Litoral.
  • His illness

    In 1932 his illness worsened, and a kidney was taken away, which saved his life.
  • "Espadas como labios"

    It published 'Espadas como labios', one of its books more influenced by the superrealism
  • The National Literature Prize

    In 1933 he got the National Literature Prize for his book 'La destrución o el amor'.
  • Miguel Hernandez

    In 1935, he also met Miguel Hernandez, who was one of his Friends.
  • The Civil War

    On July 18, 1936, the Civil War began. The war was an extremely painful for Aleixandre, two of his best friends, Garcia Lorca and Hernandez died. In 1939,
  • Sombra en el paraíso

    In 1939, he began writing the first poems of 'Sombra en el paraiso'. The Franco’s government will not let its books be published until 1944.
  • Prize of Criticism

    In 1963 he got the Prize of Criticism for 'En un vaso de dominio'.
  • Poems of Consummation

    In 1968 he published Poems of Consummation, next to last work of the poet and for which he won the Prize of Criticism in 1969.
  • The Nobel Prize of literature

    In 1977 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature with "Diálogos del conocimiento".
  • The street of Madrid

    In 1978 the city council of Madrid changes the mae of the street in which it lived, Velintonia, by the one of Vicente Aleixandre
  • vincent's death

    Vicente Aleixandre died the night of the 13 of December of 1984 in Madrid