Hawaii state flag

History of the Hawaiian Monarchy Daileen B

  • Captain Cook discovered the Hawaiian islands

    Captain Cook discovered the Hawaiian islands
    He discovered the Hawaiian islands and named them the Sandwich island
  • Guardianship of the Hawaiian god of war.

    Guardianship of the Hawaiian god of war.
    Shortly after the arrival of Captain Cook, Kamehameha had a turing point in his life. His uncle Kalani'opu'u perhaps sensing he would die soon made an announcement with the high ranking chiefs. He told them that his successor was to be his son Kiwala'o, his younger son was to recieve land, and Kamehameha was to take care of Kukka'ilimoku the family war god.
  • Kalaniʻōpuʻu's death

    Kalaniʻōpuʻu's death
    Kalani'opu'u was king of the Big island when Captain James Cook came to Hawaii. His son Kiwala'o was his successor after he died. Kalani'opu'u died Ka'iliki'i, Waio'ahukini, and Ka'u.
  • Sandalwood Trade

    Sandalwood Trade
    The sandalwood was an important export item. But as soon as the commoners started spending alot of time on cutting the trees he put a kapu on the young trees
  • Period: to

    Kamehameha Ruled

    Kamehameha kept the ways of the old culture and added the best of the new. His people describe him as a farmer, a fisherman, a maker of cloth, a provider for the needy, and a father to the fatherless.Kamehameha was ruthless in wars but kind and forgiving when the need for fighting was past. He had foreigners in his service but they were always his servents.
  • Hula

    Hula was a type of dance used to tell legends and stories in Hawaiian history.
  • KIng Kamehameha united the hawaiian islands

    KIng Kamehameha united the hawaiian islands
    Kamehameha conquered all the Hawaiian islands
  • Period: to

    Reign of Liholiho

    Liholiho was young when he was crowned king, but as he ruled more he became more mature. Before Liholiho's death he went to London with Kamamalu (Liholiho's wife). Liholiho and Kamamalu both died from measels. Kamamalu died and then a week after Liholiho died
  • Period: to

    Rule of Ka'ahumanu as Kuhina Nui

    Ka'ahumanu was Kamehameha's favorite wife and since Liholiho was young when he was crowned king she told Liholiho that he would share the power with her and she would be Kuhina Nui.During her reign she wanted to get rid of Kapu and she did many other things
  • End of Kapu

    End of Kapu
    Once Kamehameha the Great died, his son Liholiho was crowned king and Kamehameha's favorite wife Ka'ahumanu became Kuhina Nui by making an announcement. Liholiho's mother and Ka'ahumanu wanted to get rid of Kapu and tried to convience Liholiho to get rid of kapu. Then Ka'ahumanu and Liholiho's mother finally convienced him and they had a great feast and Liholiho ate with his mother and other women. After the feast a revolt had started because some people wanted to keep kapu.
  • End of Kapu part 2

    End of Kapu part 2
    Liholiho and Ka'ahumanu won the revolt. November 1st 1819 kapu was finally over.
  • Missionaries in Hawaii

    Missionaries in Hawaii
    When the missionaries first arrived they were worried they wouldn't be able to spread their religion. The missionaries also started to build up the community like churches and schools, they also taught language
  • Period: to

    Whaling Economy

    Sailors came to Hawaii and started hunting and killing whales for their oil and blubber. Ka'ahumanu had to establish a law and order with the whalers
  • Sugarcane Plantations

    Sugarcane Plantations
    The sugarcane plantations brought many immagrants to Hawaii
  • The Great Mahela

    The Great Mahela
    The Great Mahela or "Mahela" was the Hawaiians land redistribution that was proposed by Kamehameha III.The Great Mahela made sure that the Hawaiians wouldnt lose their land. Also it abolished the previous semi- feudal system.
  • Asian Immigrants

    Asian Immigrants
    The first asian immagrants was the Chinese in 1852, the second was Portuguese in 1878, third was Japanese in 1890, Puerto Rican's were the fouth in 1900, Korean's came after in 1903, the filipino's then came in 1907, and finally the Samoa's in 1919
  • Prince Albert died

    Prince Albert died
    Prince Albert died at the age of 4 years old