Louis is born
The description of Louis' hair being as coarse as barbed wire foreshadwos his incarceration during WWII. His parents were poor, and his mother had him at 18 years old. This shows that statistically Louis would be a problem child. -
Louis became a nudist
While having pnuemonia, two-year old Louis climbed out of his bedroom window, descended one story, and went on a naked tear down the street. This gives truth to his problematic child. -
Family moves to Torrance
During their move to Torrance, Louis bolted off the train and waited serenly for his parents to come back. This reveals his inner resilience neccesary to survive the POW camps. -
Picked up smoking
While walking to kindergarten, Louis would bum cigarette butts off of the ground at the age of five. -
Bullying starts
Louis accidently blurts out a curse in Italian, and is bullied for it in school. This foreshadows his later targeting by Watanabe later in life. -
He began drinking one night because he was eight. This foreshadows later alcholism in life. -
Starts criminal activity in Torrance
He begins his "one boy insurgency" by stealing, breaking into houses, bribing dogs. This shows his ingenuity in all situations.
His magnum opus was that he rigged a church bell with piano wire and rung it so that he tricked people into believing it was a sign from God. -
Period: to
Early Teens
Beats up kids lulz -
Graf Zeppelin
He was fascinated with the zeppelin as it passed overhead during its circumnavigation of the world. This possibly contributed to his air force career later in life, -
Period: to
Louis realizes the harsh reality of what may happen to his juvenile self, so he tries to act responsibly. This shows that when it comes down to having to do the right thing, Louis will be able to perform. -
Louis began running