

By haha001
  • Trapped in the canyon

    Aron gets trapped in the canyon
  • On a trip

    Aron Ralston is on a shart trip in Utah
  • Period: to


  • Trying to get the rock off Aron

    Aron tries to use the power of physics to multiply his pushing power on the rock keeping him down. No succes though.
  • Thinking of amputating his arm

    Aron thinks about amputation for the first time. Preparing tourniquets and such. No luck though, as he has no suitable tool to get rid of his arm.
  • Tourniquet made!

    Aron makes a good tourniquet by using the insulation in his backpack, lucky!
  • Aron saves his urine

    Aron saves his urine for when his water supply runs out
  • Aron wastes his last water

    Only 3 ounces of water remaining. In Aron's tired stupor, he drops his bottle, wasting all of it's watery contents.
  • Aron succesfully cuts his arm

    Aron has his first succes in cutting his skin with his knife
  • Drinking pee for the first time

    Aron drinks pee for the first time
  • Recording his incoming death

    Aron records his incoming death, writing it on the wall with his tool.
  • Breakthrough!

    Aron finds out he can break his bone by applying enough pressure. He succeeds in doing so, completing the first step of getting rid of his arm.