
By AndyLQ
  • Day 1

    9 AM
    Leaves truck to follow trail road for horseshoe canyon
    Start of a five-day roadtrip
    The plan is to make a 30 mile circuit of biking and canyoneering through Blue John and Horseshoe Canyon 2:30
    about seven miles in first drop-off second drop-off he lets go of the clockstone - it falls and smashes his left hand.
    his rght forearm gets stuck.
  • Day 1 - 8PM

    Stress turns into pessimism
    He realizes that his only option is to chop of his arm
    he will save his energy by constructing a seat
    he sit and stands for 20 minutes each
    to keep blood flow in his legs
  • Day 1 - 3PM

    He panics
    trying to pull out his arm
    he tries to remove the rock- unsuccesfull
    he need water - he drinks a bit to much water - realizes it too late
    he gets more calm
    he get an overview of his stuff
    he thinks about escape plans
    He finds to options, either use his clipming rope to move the rock/ chup away the rock or amputate his arm
    he starts working on the first
    first attempt to chup away the rock barely scuffs it
  • Day 2 - 9:30 AM - 2PM

    he will try to move the rock
    He thinks that he hear some voices, he tries to shout for help 2PM
    for the first time he seriously thinks about cutting of his arm
    he knows that he wont be able to cut through his bones
    he tries to stop his blood circulation in his arm it is difficult
    at last he succeds
    he sceared him self away from the idea
    at last he realizes that it is his own fault that he is stuck
  • Day 3 7AM - 3:35PM - 6:30PM

    he is still ot comitted to amputation
    He starts cutting in his arm but the blade is not sharp enough to cut through his skin 3:35 PM
    he has to pee, he pees into his camelBak to save it 6:30 PM
  • Day 4 - 5AM - 6:45AM - 7:58AM

    Less than 3 ounces of water left
    his water bottle slips 6:45AM
    He thinks about how people would find him
    he start recording video clips of him talking to his family 7:58 AM
    he is about to cut his arm off,
    He bury his knife into his forearm
    he cuts in his arm and taps a bone
    he cant cut through his bones
    he drinks the rest of his water
  • Day Five

    he thinks back on what has happend
    he talks to the camera again
    he realizes that he will son die
  • Day 6

    9:30 A.M.
    he tries to hit the boulder with a rock
    he stumbled away