American timeline title

Top Ten Events that shaped America

  • The Start of the American Revolution

    In my opinion this is the fourth most important event that shaped America because it was the first event that actully made the United States and America. If not for this event The United States might never have been founded.
  • The issue of slavery

    the issue of slavery was one of the biggest problem in the early years of the country. This shaped how the country was run and the population. i think this was the fifth most important issue that shaped America.
  • Period: to

    American Timespan

  • industrial revolution

    The Industrail Revolution Started in the 18th centurie and ended in the 19th centurie. This shaped America by making normal life easier causing more people to immigrate to the United States. My opinion is that the Industrial revolution is the sixth most important event that shaped America.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase was an importanant event that shaped American because it literally shaped the United States on the map. It also added diferent land terrains to the expanding country. My opinion is that this event was the seventh most important event that shape the United States.
  • The women's movement

    The women's movement
    The womens movemnet started on july 19th 1848 with the first women's rights convention held in Seneca New York. This event shaped America and The United States by letting more people have more rights and equality for all. in my opinion this event was the eighth most important event in American history.
  • The American Civil War

    The Civil war in my opinion was the most important event that shaped America.
  • The labour Movement

    The labour movement started in 1909 when 20,000 workers took to a strike in New York about the conditions the sweat shops owners made them work in. This shaped America by creating a standard of living that made American a great nation. In my opinion this was the third most important event that shaped the United States.
  • World War Two

    World War Two caused many poeple to die and many countries to be destroyed and demolished.
  • The cold war

    The cold war shaped America by changing the way we think about people and other countries. The cold war helped America make a great bond to Europe whitch has helped the United States greatly. My opinion is that the cold war was the ninth most important event that shaped America.
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Brown vs Board of Education is brought to the supreme court sparking a civil rights movement that would ultimently put an end to segragation in American. Resulting in equality for all races. My opinion is that the Civil Rights movement is the secound most important event in American history that shaped America.