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Alfred North Whitehead Feb 15th 1861- Dec 30 1947

  • First major publication

    In 1891, Alfred North Whitehead began writing his first major publication called Treatise on Universal Algebra. This book later had an influence in the mathmatical community. This volume "covers general principles focusing on Boolean algebra, symbolic logic, algebraic manifolds, and the exterior algebra" Also in this volume Whitehead highlights descripitve geometry.
  • Principia Mathematica.

    After his first publication he began writing the principia Mathematica. This is one of his best works if not his best. he wrote ths with former student and trinity fellow Bertrand Russell. The Principal Mathmatica consisted of three volumes and explained the foundations of mathematics.i
  • creativity sparks

    After his major publication. of the three volumes of the Principia Mathematica he became very worn down. In 1910 he was unemployed and stayed unemployed for four years. in 1914 he was appointed a job at the Imperial College of Science and Technology in London as the professor of applied Mathematics. This is said to be where his "philosophical creativity occurred".
  • harvard

    As whitehead was ageing and in his mid sixties he was nearing retirement from the imperial college he accepted a job at Harvard as the professor of philosophy. He taught at Harvard until 1937 and was elected earlier in 1931 for the British academy. in 1945 he was awarded the order of merit and not but two years later he passed peacefully.