Time Line Of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)

  • 570


    During this year Prophet Muhammad's father died a few months before he was born, this was also the estimated date that Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) was born.
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    Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) was about 6 years old at the time when his mother had passed away on the way back from a journey to visit her father's grave in Yathrib.
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    This is roughly the year that Prophet Muhammad's grandfather Abdul Mut'Talib passed away
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    Prophet Muhammed starts to live with his uncle Abu Talib and goes on business trips with him
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    Hilful Fuzul takes place and a pledge is also made to help any Muslim that needs it.
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    Prophet Muhammed (SAW) finds a job as an agent for a wealthy merchant named Khadijah.
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    Khadijah proposes to Prophet Muhammed (SAW) and marries him.
  • 610


    Jibreel (AS) comes to the Prophet in the cave of Hira and gives him the first revelations of the Qur'an.
  • 613


    Prophet Muhammed (SAW) begins to reveal the Qur'an and Islam to his tribe and people
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    During this time of the Prophet's life the Quraysh began to boycott the Muslims as they thought Islam was a growing threat to them.
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    1 of 6 Important Dates I Have Chosen

    In this year Prophet Muhammed's wife, Khadijah (RA) dies.
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    2 Of 6 Important Dates I Have Chosen

    Sometime in this year Prophet Muhammed rides on an animal called a Buraq sent by Allah (SWT) and travels to Jannah and back.
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    During this year Prophet Muhammed (SAW) immigrates to Medina from Mecca
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    3 Of 6 Important Dates That I Have Chosen

    The Battle Of Badr takes place and the Muslims become victorious.
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    The Battle Of Uhud takes place.
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    4 Of 6 Important Dates That I Have Chosen

    The Battle Of The Trench or Khandaq takes place. This war was a very long one and there was also a miracle that happened during this war.
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    5 Of 6 Important Dates That I Have Chosen

    The Treaty Of Hudaibiyya is made and new laws are put to action.
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    The Battle Of Mu'tah takes place. The Muslims attempt to capture the village east of the Jordan River.
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    6 Of 6 Important Dates That I Have Chosen

    The Battle Of Hunayn took place. Resulting in the Muslims being victorious
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    Prophet Muhammed (SAW) returned to Medina and settled there, to help any Muslims in need or for any Islamic Questions that need answering.
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    This is the year that the Prophet (SAW) sadly passed away and left this world.