Thomas Kuhn (July 18,1922-June 17,1996)

  • Early Life

    Thomas Kuhn was an American Physicist,historian and philosopher of science. He was born in Cincinnati,Ohio to father Samuel Kuhn an industrial engineer and mother Minette Kuhn came from a wealthy New York family. At a few months old he moved to New York where he attended private schools.
  • Undergraduate Degree

    In the fall of 1940 the 18 year old Tom Kuhn arrived at Cambridge,Massachusetts to study at Ivy League university Harvard. However upon arrival he realized physics was harder than he expected and scored a C on his first exam.
  • Hard work pays offf

    After doing everything he could to graduate Tom graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Physics,summa cum laude(with highest honor)
  • Writing

    This book is called The Copernican Revolution. In this great book Kuhn decided to explore and explain the idea of Copernicus’ theory. This book is designed to strengthen views. Kuhn was a very good writer and he established many good writing methods and skills to enlighten his readers and make them understand his work.
    Kuhn,Thomas.Copernican Revolution. Massachusetts: Harvard University Press,1957.Print.
  • Writing

    In 1962 Tom made a very controversial book. This book is titled The Structure of Scientific Revolution. In this book her describe various topics such a normal science. This book is one of the most influential books ever as it questions who ,how and why a scientific method might be acceptable or not.
    Kuhn,Thomas. The Structure of Scientific Revolution.Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1962.Print.
  • Summary

    Thomas Kuhn was a great Philosopher if science he brought along many ideas tht are today practiced. Notable ideas he invented are incommensurability,paridigm shift,normal science and transcendental nominalism. He cleverly created all his writing and they are all so unique yet informative.
    Below is a YouTube video on the Paradigm Shift