Thomas kuhn 13 1

Thomas Kuhn

  • Thomas Kuhn (1922-1996)

    In 1943, Thomas Kuhn graduated from Harvard university with a B.S. in physics. over the next six years he spent in Harvard he also obtained his M.S. and PhD degrees also in Physics. During this time he was a Harvard Junior Fellow, and it was during his fellowship that he decided to switch from studying physics to studying history and philosophy of science.
  • Thomas Kuhn (1922-1996)

    In 1961, Thomas Kuhn became a professor at the university or California in Berkeley. At Berkeley he taught in the philosophy department. During his time in Berkeley he met Paul Feyerabend who he discussed his draft of The Structure of Scientific Revolution. This influential book was published a year after he began teaching at Berkeley.
  • Thomas Kuhn (1922-1996)

    Thomas Kuhn (1922-1996)
    In 1962 the book The Structure of Scientific Revolution written by Thomas Kuhn was published. This book gave a different view on science. "Kuhn gave us a very different picture of science." (Nickles, 2002). In this book Kuhn introduced the concepts of paradigm and paradigm shift. He also proposed that scientific fields undergo periodic shifts and that they don't progress in a linear pattern.
  • Thomas Kuhn (1922-1996)

    in 1964 Kuhn left the university of California Berkeley and he took the position of M. Taylor Pyne professor of philosophy and history of science at Princeton university. During the following years at Princeton, he attended an international colloquium in London. During the event, Kuhn's and Popper's works were compared and this "helped illuminate the significance of Kuhn's approach." (Bird, 2018).