theodore roosevelt AP

  • home life as a child

    home life as a child
    the Roosevelt family lived on a plantation in the southern side of New York. His family wanted the best for him and his siblings.
  • theodores medical issues

    theodores medical issues
    when theodore was born he was found to have sever asthma. This was not a good mix considering he loved to be outside. he always wanted to be playing a sport or just being active. this is partly why his parents decided that private tutoring was the best choice of schooling for him.
  • memory

    theodore was born with amazing memory and his friends and family praised him for his ability to remeber everything he did.
  • Theodore Roosevelts birth

    Theodore Roosevelts birth
    Theodore Roosevelt was born on october 27th 1858. he was the son to theodore roosevelt and bulloch roosevelt
  • Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln
    in 1865 theodore witnessed abraham licolns funrel
  • Theodores schooling

    Theodores schooling
    Theodore was home schooled by a private tooter all of elementary school and middle school and most of high school . when he was 16 he went to Harvard and wrote his first of 30 books he later went to Columbia to study law.
  • theodores writing begins

    theodores writing begins
    theodore wrote his first book well at harvard before dropping out
  • Alice Hathaway Lee

    Alice Hathaway Lee
    Alice was Theodore's first wife they got married 1880. together they had one daughter named Alice Lee Roosevelt. She was born in 1884 and died 1980.
  • drop out

    drop out
    Theodore dropped out of college. Even though he was a good president and served 2 terms he was still a college drop out. it just shows that because he dropped out deosnt mean he would'nt be seccussful
  • assemblyman

    in 1882 Theodore Roosevelt became the New York assemblyman. he held the position for 2 years from 1882 - 1884.
  • Theodore fighting in war

    Theodore fighting in war
    in 1882 - 1886 Thoeodore Roosevelt volunteered to fight in the Spanish American war
  • Elkhorn and Maltese Cross ranches

    Elkhorn and Maltese Cross ranches
    Theodore established 2 ranches in the badlands of the western North Dakota
  • Edith Kermit Carow

    Edith Kermit Carow
    Edith was Roosevelts second wife they gt married in 1886. they had 5 childen
  • U.S civil service commssion

    U.S civil service commssion
    Henry Cabot lodge appointed the position of U.S civil service commision to Theodore in 1895.
  • police commissioner

    police commissioner
    From 1895 - 1897 Theodore Roosevelt was the police commissioner of New York.
  • assistant secretary in the navy

    assistant secretary in the navy
    in 1897 - 1898 Theodore Roosevelt was the assistant secretary in the navy
  • teddy

    in the early 1900 theodores friends wanted him to be happy on a hunting trip so they tied a bear to a tree so he would be garentied a shoot
  • New York Govener

    New York Govener
    in 1899 theodore was the govern for new york. he served for 2 years from 1899 - 1900 he was the 33 govern.
  • William McKinley

    William McKinley
    in 1901 president William McKinley was assasanated and his vice president Theodore Roosevelt gained presidency. this is the start of Theodore Roosevelts first term as president.
  • youngest president

    youngest president
    theodore was and still is to this day the youngest man to be president
  • political party

    political party
    theoodre was a republican and kept being a republican for both of his terms
  • vice president

    vice president
    charles w fairbanks was theodores vice president.
  • Panama Columbia

    Panama Columbia
    Theodore wanted to envest in the panama canal he signed a treaty that garrented america total control of the canal.
  • last term

    last term
    in 1904 when theodore was relected he promised to not run for a third term
  • land conservations

    land conservations
    in 1902 Theodore started land conservation. he started with national parks then moved on to monuments and more
  • no third term

    no third term
    in 1908 Theodore promised to not run for a third term and he kept his promise.
  • pure food and drug act

    pure food and drug act
    theodore saw that unhealth to consume foods and drugs were being put into stores so he passed the pure food and drug act to regulate things that were being sold to the public.
  • religin

    from 1900 to 1913 the paster of grace reformed invited him to church and he found his faith as a member of the reformed church
  • death

    theodore died in 1919 from his asthma
  • mount rushmore

    mount rushmore
    theodore was put on mount rushmore because he created so many national parks