A grain of truth
Geralt of Rivia is looking for a shorter path through a valley when he finds corpses of a merchant and a young woman. Geralt enters a rundown manor where he runs into Nivellen. Nivellen is more beast than man at first glance, but fully capable of speech. Nivellen tries to attack Geralt, but is stopped by Geralt. After some talking find out they have a lot in common.Geralt is treated to dinner and he leaves later that day -
A grain of truth 2
The day after leaving from the mansion, Geralt has sensed that there was something wrong, and he returns. He finds out that there is a vampire called Vereena. Geralt fights Vereena and kills the vampirem, and ultimately saves Nivellen at the same time. Nivellen is freed of his curse and is now a normal man again -
Jun 1, 1248
The Lesser Evil
On the eve of market day, Geralt rides into Blaviken, with a monster-carcass in tow. He approaches a wizard to sell the carcass, but the wizard has other plans and asks him to kill a girl that is supposedly cursed, but Geralt rejects the offer. He then meets up with the girl called Renfri, and Renfri suggests that Geralt kills the wizard, but Geralt also rejects this offer. He tries to convince Renfri to leave, and to his surprise, she agrees. -
Jun 2, 1248
The Lesser Evil 2
Renfri lied to Geralt about leaving the town, and she along with her band of miscreants are planning to massacre the townsfolk to draw the wizard out. Geralt realizes their plan before they put it into action, and after a lot of fighting he kills the whole band including Renfri, to save the townsfolk. The townsfolk however, don't realize that what Geralt did was to save them, and they start throwing rocks and Geralt is ordered to leave. This is how Geralt became "The Butcher of Blaviken". -
Jul 1, 1249
The Edge of the World
Geralt is travelling around in Upper Posada looking for work. He is approached by several villagers saying they have seen monsters lurking around, but concludes that the tales are nothing more than superstition and constitute no work for a witcher. He travels along when he is stopped by Nettly, and Nettly has work for him as a "deovel" has been bothering some villagers in a different town. Geralt accepts the task, and finds out that the deovel is in fact a sylvan, a goat-man. -
Jul 2, 1249
The Edge of the World 2
A day after travelling to the village for work, he approaches the sylvan in the fields. The sylvan refuses to talk and suggest playing games. Geralt and the sylvan tussle in the hemp and suddenly there's the sound of horses approaching. Geralt is in fact knocked down and faints. -
Jul 3, 1249
The Edge of the World 3
Geralt wakes up on the ground, bound, and hears people around him talking the Old language. Their captors, elves, notice that Geralt has awakened and the Sylvan approaches him aggressively. One of the elves start to torment Geralt, and Geralt manages to knock her off her feet and pins her to the ground before headbutting her and breaking her nose. -
Jul 4, 1249
The Edge of the World 4
The witcher is tied to a pine tree with belts, and the elves draw their bows and aim at him. Suddenly, the Queen of the Fields makes a quite spectacular entrance, and the elves lower their weapons and kneel before her. The queen speek to the elves telepathically and the Sylvan cuts Geralt loose. After a moment, the elves give up and prepare to leave and they bid Geralt farewell. -
Jun 1, 1250
The Last Wish
One morning, while trying to catch fish for breakfast, Dandelion and Geralt instead haul up an ancient, sealed amphora. Dandelion, in a fit of glee, decides to open the vase regardless of Geralt's warnings. Geralt and Dandelion struggles over the vase when it falls to the ground and a genie pops out. Dandelion believing it will fulfill his wishes starts to recite his list, but the genie starts to strangle him instead. Geralt shouts an exorcism and rushes over to his friend, that has been injured -
Jun 3, 1250
The Last Wish 2
2 days have passed since the genie attack, Geralt enters Rinde to find the sorceress known as Yennefer of Vengerberg so that Dandelion can recieve treatment. He approaches the house where the sorceress supposedly is, and knocks out the guard in front of the door. As he comes in he meets a very inebriated Berrant, and Geralt fetches apple juice for Yennefer because of a request from Berrant. Geralt walks up the stairs and convinces Yennefer to help Dandellion -
Jun 4, 1250
The Last Wish 3
Yennefer opens a portal and the two set out for the tavern where Dandelon is laid up. After a while, Yennefer summons Geralt upstairs and Dandelion is happily asleep. They start discussing the price for the treatment, and Yennefer claims it right away, and reveals that she has in fact trapped Geralt in the room. Geralt is paralyzed and after a fruitless argument, passes out and falls to the ground. -
Jun 5, 1250
The Last Wish 4
Under the influence of Yennefer's spell, Geralt has went rampaging through the town punishing anyone that has ever offended Yennefer. An example is the public spanking of the local apothecary Laurelnose for his "crimes". Some guards had apprehended Geralt and renderde him unconscious. Later, Geralt is brought before the town's mayor, Neville and the priest Krepp. They are discussing a verdict when suddenly Dandelion drops out of a portal and yells that the witcher is innocent. -
Jun 6, 1250
The Last Wish 5
There is a roaring commotion heard outside, loud enough to be heard over a current thunderstorm. Yennefer is trying to capture the the genie to gain its amazing powers, and if Yennefer is going to capture it, Geralt has to fulfill three wishes. Geralt has unknowingly already used two of his three wishes, and is left with one. The text doesn't specify what the last wish was, but Yennefer is shocked and finds herself in Geralt's arms, and just a moment later they make love. -
Sep 1, 1252
A Question of Price
Geralt is being clean-shaved, washed and nicely clothed by servants. The queen's daughter of Cintra, Pavetta, has turned 15 years old and is to be married. Geralt has been invited to ensure that nothing goes wrong in case something happens. The banquet proceeds as normal, when suddenly Pavetta enters the room. The banquet grows silent, when suddenly there is a commotion outside and a knight enters, claiming Pavetta by the law of surpirse, which is a promise given by the prior king of Cintra. -
Sep 2, 1252
A Question of Price 2
The queen agrees that the law of surprise was given by the long dead king, but Pavetta has to agree to go off with this Knight. But to everyone's surprise, the knight has been cursed and looks like some hedgehog-like creature, and the queen is convinced that Pavetta will reject going with the Knight. But again, to everyone's surprise, Pavetta agrees to leave with the knight as they have already been together for a year and has fallen in love. -
Sep 3, 1252
A Question of Price 3
Havoc ensues, and a lot of people try to kill the Knight, that has claimed Pavetta. Geralt protects him from attackers for a while when suddenly a force explodes from princess Pavetta and furniture starts flying around and individuals are knocked back. Geralt distracts the princess and gets her back to her senses.The knight thanks Geralt for saving his life, and offers him whatever he asks for. Pavetta is pregnant, and Geralt asks that the child is raised as a witcher. -
Jan 1, 1253
The Witcher
Geralt was entering Vizima, and goes to an inn. At the inn, three men pick a fight with him and he swiftly kills all three. He is escorted to Velerad, the elderly castellan of Vizima. Geralt is told to explain himself, but Geralt came to Vizima due to the bounty notices posted at the crossroads near Vizima, asking for an experienced monster hunter. Velerad then explains that at the beginning of King Foltest's reign, he got his sister pregnant and the baby turned into a striga, which is a monster -
Jan 2, 1253
The Witcher 2
Geralt fights with the Striga, reluctant to use his silver sword because he was told to not kill the monster. For the curse on the baby to be broken, the striga cannot enter it's coffin until the third crow of the rooster. After a long night with fighting and fleeing, Geralt settles in for the night in the coffin. The Striga's curse is lifted. -
Jun 1, 1253
The Voice of Reason
Geralt and Dandelion are riding down a road, when they're suddenly sourrounded and stopped by lancers, knights of the order of the White Rose. Geralt is forced to either accept the challenge from the knight Tailles, or face the gallows. Geralt wins the challenge and he is free to go. -
Jun 2, 1253
The Voice of Reason 2
Geralt and Dandelion are planning their route for where to travel to. Geralt returns to a temple, and his elixir's have been restocked. As Geralt and one of the priestesses hands touch, she falls to the ground, whisked away by a vision or has an epileptic seizure. The other priestesses helps the girl that fell to the ground, and one of them turns to Geralt to plead him one last time not to leave, but Geralt leaves.