It Begins
On this night, observatories around the world see multiple puffs of gas come from Mars. The next night, a falling star is seen crashing near Woking, England. This is just the begining. -
Period: to
The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells by Alex Lazarchuk
The Cylinder
Ogilvy, the astronomer, decides to check out the fallen star. He realizes it is a cylinder. He notices that the top of it is rotating. He goes and tells others about it. The main character comes and takes a look at it. By now, there is a crowd of people around it. A Martian comes out the people flee for a few hundred feet. Then, the heat ray comes out and kills many. The main character flees back home. -
The Attack
The main character stays in his home, believing that the military has everything under control. A few hours later, he is looking out of his house and sees the war machines of the Martians wrecking havoc. He takes his wife, borrows a dogcart, and they flee to his cousin's house. That night, he takes the dogcart back. He has to flee into his house to avoid the roaming war machines. -
The main character awakes to find a soldier outside and he lets him in. They make plans to go to Webridge, where the main characer would then make his way back to his wife. At Weybridge, the military has fortified the place. The Martians attack with their war machines. He flees the area by going down the river. He sees black poisionous gas and goes into a house with a curate to escape it. He remains there for two day. -
London Panics
The brother of the main character lives in London. On this day, one of the war machines of the Martians is entering London. Many people are fleeing in panic, including the brother. He saves two women from robbers and they join him. They decide to escape the country by going on a ship. -
After two days, the black poisonous gas has subsides. He sets out with the curate to return to his cousin's house. While going there, they have to hid inside a house, because one of the war machines of the Martians appeared. Then, one of the cylinders crashing right next to the house. He has to stay in the house for the next fifteen days. The curate dies during that time. -
The Work of Fifteen Days
After fifteen days, the Martians are gone. The main character emerges from the house. He sees that the town isn't destroyed. However, he sees that a red weed is growing, especially where water is. He gets his food and decides to go to London. While going there, he stops at an inn for the night. -
The soldier
It is now morning. He leaves the inn and continues to London. When he goes to Wembleton Commons, he is confronted by the soldier from earlier. The soldier tells him his plans on rebuilding societ and what the Martians may be up to. He spends the night at the soldiers house. -
The Martians are Dead
The main character enters London. He sees a drunk man on the ground. He sees dead bodies lining the streets. Some streets are blackened, while others are not. Eventuallly, sees a bunch of dead Martians in the pit. He realizes that the Martians are dead from the bacteria, for the Martians had no immunity against the bacteria. -
After a few days in someone's house to recover from his near losing of his mind, he goes back home. He sees that some towns are not destroyed, while others are. Finally, he makes it back home. He fears that his wife is no longer alive. Then, he hears just enter the house. He goes to embrace her.