The Story Of Us

By Teyquan
  • Mar 20, 1345

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    The black death all started because of rats. The rats would have this diease but sense they were everywhere people started getting this diease too. This Pleage killed 25 million people in on 5 years. It killed more then 1/3 of the population in eurpope.
  • Jan 1, 1451

    King Ferdinand

    King Ferdinand
    King Ferdinand thought that if you were to sail so far west then you can end up on the east. But he couldn't do the trip so it had Columbes do it. He gave him all the money and supplies he needed.When Columbes did this he follwed a river that flowed all the way the U.S.
  • Jan 1, 1497

    De Gama

    De Gama
    In 1497 De Gama had a famous portuicfe explorer, he wanted to find a route. From Europe to Asia so Europe could trade with them. King John the 2nd helped De gama on his travel. On his travel he had four chips and he pointed them all to face the south.
  • Jul 17, 1505

    Martin Luther

     Martin Luther
    Martin Luther did not just start off saying he wanted to be a monk. One day when he was going home he got caught in this reallly back rain storm saying If he gets out this he will chang his whole life around which means he will become a monk. And believe god even more and not doing sins and other stuff that in his eyes will effect god.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther Thesis

    Martin Luther Thesis
    When Martin Luther made his 95 thesis. None of the people ageed at first into they start thinking about it. When he put them up they said that he was speaking out against the chruch and that was true. Because what they were doing at the chruch he was going to he didn't believe that nun of that was completty fair so he wanted to make his own church so things can be fair and each person could decide on what relgion they really wanted to. be. And not just one religon like the chruch he went to.
  • Oct 12, 1537

    King Henry Son

    King Henry Son
    Edward VI was King henry only son that he coul actaully be with and lived to be older then 10. When he had Edward he expected to do everything with him but he couldnt be he was very sick. When he was first born his birth wasnt so strong because when he was born his mom died giving birth to him. He Died on July 6, 1553. When he died he was only 16 years old.
  • Feb 13, 1542

    King Henry III

    King Henry III
    King Henry the 3rd beheaded his second wife (Anne Boleyn). He thought she was cheating on him with other people and also he thought that she was talking to the ememy. And when he thought she did all of his he asked her and she said " No" so he thought that she lying and doing all of this behide his back.
  • Sep 1, 1565


    Sandestin was found on september of 1565 by spanish adimiral and floridas first garment pedro menendez de aville's. It served as the cpaital of spanish flordida for over 200 years
  • Jamestown

    Jamestown was founded on 1607. Jamestown was the first enlish selttement that acctually did good and made it point on american that doing what jamestown did was possbile. And by doing that everyone wanted to be like that so people started becoming a strong conlony.
  • Slavery In The South

    Slavery In The South
    Slavery in america began when the first slaves was brought in the North american colonly of JamesTown and alslo Virgina. When all of these slaves starting getting out to people the amount of tobacco went up. And if people loved tobacco then that means they will need more slaves to get it all. In the southt having slaves and having them do this was very poplurlar.
  • Maryland

    On march 15, 1634 colonists voted into land cocening religon granted freedom of ownership for all christans. Marglan was founded on 1633 by Geogre Calvert. Maryland was the 7th out of 13 colonies to become a state.
  • Delaware

    Delaware was founded on 1638 by Peter Miuit. Delaware and bay were firsta explored by Henery Buclson in 1609. The frst settlement on Delaware soil was made under the ausprices of member of the dutch.
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    Rhode Island was founded on 1638 by Roger Wiliams. On may 9, 1776 Rhode island became the first cobag to renouce allehiance to King Geogre the 2nd. In 1908 the gernal assembly istablished may 4th as Rhode Island independent.
  • New York

    New York
    On 1664 the english took control of the aera erel renamed as New York. Between 1892 and 1954. millions of immgrants arrveled in New York harbor and passed through ellis island to become an us citizen. New York was the first capital of the us after constition was ratified in 1788.