the story of us

  • Jan 1, 1100


    sumary:Crusades was religious wars between the christans and the muslims. They fought the war over the holy land. importance:The events in the 12th and 13th centuries had many long lasting effects on the civilization to follow. The seeds of animosity laid then on the basis of intolerance by different religions saw the beginning of the crusade. In this 21st century, we still witness bloodshed and hatred based on the same issue of religion.
  • Jan 1, 1340

    BLack Death

    BLack Death
    sumary:IT is the plague of the 1300s. the plague killed 1/3 european population. Over 25 milion people died in a 5 year peiod. Most people thouht that it was punishmentfrom god. importance:IT killed millions of people. and no one know why untill it was over.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    voage of columbus

    voage of columbus
    sumary:christopher columbus(italy)thought he could sail west to east to india. king and queen of spain gave the money for 3 ships and it took 4 trips. importance:to find a faster way to get spices from india
  • Jan 1, 1513

    Ponce De Leon explores florida

    Ponce De Leon explores florida
    sumary:In spain. He was the first congvistar to explore modern day u.s. looked for fontain of youth neaver found. importance:He was the first to explore the u.s.
  • Jan 1, 1517

    Posting of the 95 theses

    Posting of the 95 theses
    sumary:The posting of the 95 theses got luther cut off from the church.this lead luther to make a new church. importance: His “95 Theses,” which propounded two central beliefs hat the Bible is the central religious authority and that humans may reach salvation only by their faith and not by their deeds was to spark the Protestant Reformation.
  • Jan 1, 1521

    Martin Luther is excommunicated

    Martin Luther is excommunicated
    sumary:WHen he was cut off from the cotholic church he began his own church. He was cut off do to the posting of the 95 theses. importance:The Catholic Church was ever after divided, and the Protestantism that soon emerged was shaped by Luther’s ideas.
  • Jan 1, 1524

    Vasco De Gama

    Vasco De Gama
    sumary: He was a portugal explorer. He was the first european to sail from euope to india around africa. importance: He found an easer way to get spices from india.
  • Jan 1, 1532

    King Henry vlll's est. Anglican church

    King Henry vlll's est. Anglican church
    sumary: He controled the church and the country he did it so he could get a divorce. But he had his second wife beheaded. impotance:Henry is also famous for his six wives. While he was still legally married to Catherine of Aragon he married Anne Boleyn in secret on January 25, 1533
  • Jan 1, 1533

    Hernando De Sota explores mississippi river

    Hernando De Sota explores mississippi river
    sumary:From spain.He asked to explore the south parts of the u.s. He was searching for gold. His crew was 620men and 220 hourses. importance:He wanted gold to get ritch and he made an out brake of gold finders people would come over to find gold.
  • Jan 1, 1540

    Coronado Explores The Grand Conyon

    Coronado Explores The Grand Conyon
    sumary:FRom spain in southeastern u.s. He was lookeing for gold and he never found it. importance:He discovers the grand conyon
  • Massachysetts Bay Est.

    Massachysetts Bay Est.
    sumary:New England got money from fishing, lumber,and ship building. The exporting gold, corn, fish, and lumber. THey grow seafood cramberries and livestook. importance:Fist to export goods from the u.s.
  • conneticon establishment

    conneticon establishment
    sumary:farming was hard .they make the money by selling fish. The farming soil was bad. so they grew wheat and corn. importance:the farming was bad so they had to fish to make money.
  • salen witch trials

    salen witch trials
    sumary:it was in the salem village of puriton began in the home of rev. parris.the community was scared of witch craft. importance:people did not like witch craft they trird to keep it out of thier towns.
  • french and indian

    french and indian
    it was a fight between the french and england over the ohio river valley. since the french were nice to the indians the indians were on there side. importance: gorge kills a french ambasiter and starts the war.
  • french victory gen braddock was killed

    french victory gen braddock was killed
    sumary: the british lost and the french won the war. the french renamed the three water ways ft. pit. importance:the french won the war
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    sumary: New molasses act from 1733 reguired to pay 6 pence per gallon importance: ITs a new act that us the u.s. did not like.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    sumary: A british act of 10,000 troops stationed on the amer ican frontier. importance:The british raised the taxes on stamps and we did not like it.
  • Creation of the Sons of Liberty

    Creation of  the Sons of Liberty
    sumary: IT was a rebal group first widely known act on august 14, 1765 importance: In Boston in early summer of 1765 a group of shopkeepers and artisans who called themselves The Loyal Nine, began preparing for agitation against the Stamp Act. As that group grew, it came to be known as the Sons of Liberty.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    summary:The act was not intended to raise reveune in the american colonies.IT was the final spark to revolution. importance: IT started rvolution in america
  • olive branch petition

    olive branch petition
    sumary:passed a resolution know as the olive branch retition.king gorge ended the issues with his military force. importance:the issues were solved by military force.
  • battle of saratoga

    battle of saratoga
    sumary:it was the turning piont of the revolutionary war.the leader was british gen. John Burjay. importance:it was the turning point of the war
  • winter of valley forge

    winter of valley forge
    sumary:american troops trianded in the winter. we took control over the war. importancewe gained control of the war.
  • battle of yorktown

    battle of yorktown
    sumary: the last battle between america and england.the french helped us win the battle. the british troops surenderd. importance:we won the last battle between us and england.
  • treaty of paris

    treaty of paris
    sumary: it was the final date of the war. and it was the date that we declarded indapendance. importance: the war ended and we officualy became a country
  • fugitive slave law

    fugitive slave law
    this law lets slave owners to go and retreave exscapeted slaves.and they required citizens to help. importance:it allowed slave to be recoverd by the owner.
  • compromise of 1850

    compromise of 1850
    sumary: it was a package of 5 bills. the senator Hennry Clay passed the was a line to divide the nation. importance:they divided the nation
  • underground railroad

    underground railroad
    sumary: its a network of secret routes and safe houses. by this time most of the railroad in the u.s. stretched across the northern states. importance:its were slave can get away.

    SUMARY:4 MILLION SLAVES WERE IMMEDIATELY SET FREE.only freed the slaves in the confederate states net under union control. importance:a lot of slaves were set free
  • assassination of lincoln

    assassination of lincoln
    sumary: he was 54 years old he was on the national union party and he had 5 children. importans: our 16 presiden was killed