prolog-chapter 1-3
pages:1-56. The book is THe Shack.
in this reading the author just describes the charecters in the story. the author is the main charecters best friend. Mack the main charecter who is a middle aged man, with a family of 5, 3 daughters and 2 sons, and a wife Nan. all but one daughter are in colledge. Mac gets a letter from signed by "papa". it then tells how his daughter was abucted, -
Chapters 4-6
pages 72-154
mack goes to a shack where the note told him to go. also where his daughters case took place with blood shed curtains and such. Mack actually meets thre people who are saying there god. -
chapters 7-8
Mack meets jesus, and have diner and talk about creation. they talk about allot of things such as his daughter, and all the stuglles in his life. they have a deep conversation about he holy trenity. -
chapter 9-10
Mack beci=omes a happier person with this meeting of god. he is much more excepting of his life and his problems. he becomes a very spritual man and him and family learn to lovce life and not dispise it.