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Book one, The Secrent Lives of Sgt. John Wilson
John & Polly get married
Jack leaves his family in Scotland to move to Canada
Jack leaves his pregnant wife Polly, and their son George to move to Canada. He deccides to leave due to the embarassment from stealing money from his brother in law. John tells Polly that he will only be away for only a year. -
John attempts to enlist in the army for WWI,
John starts as a police man.
When John Wilson first starts out as a police man, he is moved to Blaine Lake. He meets the Patterson's who are also new to the town. John and the Patterson's daughter, Jessie become very close; even though, Jack has a wife and two children that Jessie does not know about. -
John and Jessie meet
John is diagnosed with TB.
This is a very important time in the book because John is nursed back to health by Jessie and her mother. This is a very important time in the novel, because John and Jessie become very close. durring the time that John was ill, he asks Jessie to marry him. Jessie says yes. -
Scottish Hogmnay - The sixth Hogmanay John has missed.
The first footing is a very important time in the novel. This is where Polly finds the courage tell her family, about her plans to go to Canada. This is the sixth Hogmany John has missed, and next day will be the sixth anniversary aswell. Polly is determined to find her husband; she needs reasurance that he is even alive. Polly has not even heard from John since the June prior. -
Polly arrives in Canada
Polly hears Johns voice for the first time in six years.
Polly and Jack are finally re-united.
Polly and John being re-united is a very important time in the story, This shows how excited Polly is to see her husband. While he is not excited to see her in the slightest. Throughout the whole trip to pick up his wife; all John is worried about, is the possibility of Jessie finding out. Instead of being excited to see his wife, John is busy thinking about how to hide Polly from Jessie. -
Polly is pregnant with her and Johns third child.
Johns "brother" Alex dies.
Jessie moves to P.A. to train as a nurse.
John is offered a big promotion
Polly finds out about Johns planned wedding to another woman.
Jack tells Polly to start packing because they are moving to Saskatoon.
John kills Polly
When John kiils Polly all readers are shocked. Not only because of the fact that he killed his wife, but because of the way he killed her. John shot her in the face. This made a huge mess in the car, which was impossible to clean. With this, John decides to crash and torch his car. This way he can burry his late wifes body and get rid of the mess, -
John gets a marriage license, but no ring.
John crashes his car and lights it on fire. he goes to a nearby farm for help
John and Jessie are married.
When John and Jessie are married, Jessie believes that John is divorced from his wife. Little does Jessie know, All John did, was kill his wife. This is a very important time in the book, it makes you wonder if Jessie will ever find out what has happened; as well as how her and the rest of the Pattersons will react. It also makes the readers wonder if he is going to fall in love with someone else in ten years, then kill Jessie as well?