Secret lives sgt john

The Secret Lives of Sgt. John Wilson

By Lange55
  • John requests Pollys hand in marriage

    John requests Pollys hand in marriage
    John asks Polly's parents if he can marry her
    Johns approach to her parents was very dramatic. He said that if Polly was not allowed to marry him he would blow his brains out
  • John marries Polly

    John marries Polly
  • John and Polly's son is born

    John and Polly's son is born
  • John goes to Canada

    John goes to Canada
    John was stealing money from Pollys brother, Jim, to to prevent bankruptcy.John and Jack were in a greenhouse business that went bankrupt. People in the town found out that they were stealing money an lost respect for the Wilsons. John felt bad for his actions and then went to Canada to get away from it all.
  • Polly and Johns second child is born

  • WWI Was Declared

    WWI Was Declared
    As soon as John heard WWI was declared he took off to Prince Albert to to enlist but got rejected because of how weak his lungs were. (Later found out he had TB) A few weeks later John saw RCMP looking for members so he applied and made it past the examination.
  • John Joins the RCMP

    John Joins the RCMP
  • John joins the Blaine Lake RNWMP

  • John meets Jessie is Blaine Lake

    John gets a job at Blaine Lake which leads him to meeting Jessie. Jessies dad invited John over for supper one night and John was instantly attracted to Jessie. Any spare time John had he ended up at Jessies house. Their house was right next to the barn where his horse was kept.
  • Jack is Diagnosed with Tuberculosis

    Jack is Diagnosed with Tuberculosis
    As the war went on Jack had issues with himself and had to fight his own battle. For months he was feeling unwell and finally decided to consider a doctor cause he thought something may actually be wrong. The doctor diagnosed him with TB
  • John Asks Jessie to Marry Him

  • Polly Tells Her Family She's Going To Canada To Visit Jack

  • John and Pollys tenth anniversary

    Jack and Polly's tenth anniversary passes and Polly hasn't heard from Jack in 6 years. Polly started fearing for Johns life and wondered if he was okay. Polly then informs her family she is going to look for Jack in Canada and asks if they will look after her two children when she goes.
  • Polly sails to Canada

  • Polly arrives in Canada

    Polly arrives in Canada
    Polly had just arrived in Regina and called the RNWMP asking about John. She was forwarded to the Prince Albert station where John happened to be working. As soon as John answered the phone he recognized Pollys voice and got weak. Polly and John made plans to meet in Saskatoon the following day.
  • John and Polly see each other for the first time in 6 years

  • Polly finds out about Jessie

  • John Buys Marriage License

    John was very pale and shaky when he entered the jeweler store. He asked the man working if he could buy a marriage license and right away the man working could tell something was wrong. The seller tried to joke with John but John did not find anything funny. When the seller asked his relationship status he said single under his breath. He also did not buy a ring or anything extra
  • Jack Shoots And Kills Polly

    Jack Shoots And Kills Polly
    John convinces Polly that theyre going to Blaine Lake. On the way John was acting strangle the whole time. he stopped on the side of the road and shot a rabbit. Shortly after he shot as a goose and left it to suffer, not knowing if it was actually dead. It started getting dark and John was acting more weird as time went on. John laid a blanket over Pollys seat and made her get in the car. He then proceeded to put the gun to her face and shoot her.
  • John Wilson marries Jessie Wilson

    John Wilson marries Jessie Wilson
    John never showed Jessie his divorce papers that he said he was in the process of trying to receive and give them to her as soon as possible. Jessie ended up marrying him even though she had never seen the papers. They had a short reception with not many people attending. Jessie really knew nothing about John at this time. She had no idea Polly came to Canada, that John had two kids, or that he had recently become a murderer.