• 632

    Muhammad's Death

    Muhammad's Death
    Muhammad died in 632, a few months after completing a pilgrimage to Mecca.
  • 632

    Muslim Armies Start Conquering

    Muslim Armies Start Conquering
    Abu, the first caliph after Muhammad's death, led Islamic armies on several military conquests, after successfully reuniting the Arabs.
  • 661

    Ali Assassinated

    Ali Assassinated
    Ali became the fourth caliph, and was assassinated in 661.
  • 711

    Muslim Armies Cross into Spain and France

    Abu leads Muslim armies to cross the Strait Gibraltar into Spain, then push into France.
  • 732

    Muslim Armies Defeated at Tours and Constantinople (not Istanbul)

    The Muslim advance into Western Europe halts, though they continue to rule some parts of Spain. Elsewhere, Muslims attacked Constantinople, but couldn't take it.
  • 750

    Abu al-Abbas

    Abu al-Abbas
    Discontented Muslims found another leader in Abu al-Abbas.
  • 750

    Umayyad Dynasty Ends

    Umayyad Dynasty Ends
    Umayyad family set up a dynasty that ruled the Islamic world and ended in 750.
  • 850

    The Acropolis is Built

    The Acropolis is Built
    The Acropolis of Zimbabwe is built in Rhodesia.
  • 850

    Perfectus is Executed

    Perfectus, a Christian priest, is beheaded after refsing to take back several insults to Muhammad.
  • 900

    The Fatimids Conquer Egypt

    The Fatimids (muslim armies under the rule of Fatimid) conquer northern Africa and consider it an extension of Egypt.
  • 1055

    The Seljuk Turks capture Baghdad

    The Seljuk Turks were a Persian/Turkish muslim group. They controlled a vast amount of land in the middle east.
  • Nov 18, 1095

    Council of Clermont is opened

    Council of Clermont is opened
    Pope Urban II opened the Council of Clermont. Ambassadors from Byzanitine came to the council asking for help against muslims.
  • Aug 12, 1099

    The Battle of Ascalon

    The Battle of Ascalon
    The Battle of Ascalon involved Muslims (in Egypt) and Crusaders. The Fatimids were unprepared and the battle was short, with as many as 12,000 Egyptian casualties.
  • 1187

    Islamic Year of Victory

    In 1187, Islam recaptured the city of Jerusalem from the Crusades, as well as a good amount of the Crusade territory in the Middle East.
  • 1216

    The Fatimids Invade Egypt again

    The Fatimids recapture Egypt in the Sixth Crusade.
  • 1258

    Last Abbasid Caliph dies

    Mongol chief ransacks Baghdad, killing the last Abbasid caliph.
  • 1300

    The Ottoman Empire is Created (1300's)

    The Ottoman Empire is Created (1300's)
    The Ottoman Empire (ruler: Usman) is created and takes Bursa, Iznik, and the Balkans.
  • 1492

    Castile and Aragon capture Granada

    When Castile and Aragon take control, all Muslims and Jews are forced out of Spain.
  • 1520

    The Reign of Suleyman Begins

    Suleyman the Magnificent's (of the Ottoman Empire) reign begins. Meanwhile, the Ottoman Empire is at it's peak.