The Rise and Decline of Islam

  • 632

    The Rise of Abu Bakr

    The Rise of Abu Bakr
    Muhammad fell ill and died. Before his death, Muhammad allowed Abu Bakr to lead the prayers when he was absent. He became the new Muslim leader. His succession lead to rebellion which was the Ridda wars.
  • 661

    Death of Ali and Muawiya becoming caliph

    After Ali died, Muawiya became one of the caliphs. He was a soldier and a king. Shortly afterwards, he had plans to invade Mecca but was unsuccessful when the Iraqis did not appear.
  • 711

    Muslim Forces Invade

    Muslim Forces Invade
    An oppressed chief sent a plea for help to the governor of North Africa against the Spain ruler. In response they sent 7000 soldiers. The Visgoth army was defeated fairly easily by the Muslim army.
  • 732

    Battle of Tours

    In this battle Charles Martel defeated a large amount of the Moors.This prevents anymore advances. This affected Islam in a negative way.
  • 750

    Abu l'Abbas becomes a caliph

    He was one of the most important figures as caliph. He also served aver long term. He was a big influence. Abu l'Abbas lead a rebellion on Persia. This reabellion caused the downfall of Umayyad. Umayyad was a clan that was against Islam. So this helped with the rise of it.
  • 850

    Muslims Conquest

    Muslims Conquest
  • 900

    Egypt conquered North Africa

    Sejuk Turks moved into the Middle East area.
  • 1055

    Turks captures Baghdad

    Turks captures Baghdad
    Seljuks took control of the empire of Abbasid Caliphate.
  • 1095

    The First Crusade

    Jerusalem led the Pope to call the First Crusade.
  • 1099

    Crusaders attempt to take Jerusalem

    Crusaders attempt to take Jerusalem
  • 1187

    Islamic Victory

    Islamic Victory
    At Lake Tiberias,Saladin defeats the Crusaders armies. He regains Jerusalem and most of the Crusaders.
  • 1216

    Khan led the Mongols

    He led the Mongols across Mesopotamia to Central Asia.
  • 1258

    Massacre and Assassination

    Massacre and Assassination
    Chief Hulegu, a Mongol,burnt and killed a great majority of the population and assassinated the last caliph.
  • 1300

    Mongal Army

    Mongal Army
    A different leader lead his Mongal amry into battle against the Middle East
  • 1495

    The last Muslim stronghold falls.

    The last Muslim stronghold falls.
    The last stronghold is seized.Granada surrendered to Christian forces
  • 1520

    The Golden Age

    The Golden Age
    Suleiman "the Magnificent" became ruler.