The red Room

  • 1 CE

    The two old people challenge the protagonist to go to the red room

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    A third character of rare aspect challenges the protagonist also

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    The protagonist decides to go alone to the red room

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    They explain how to get to the red room

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    The protagonist goes through the old castle

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    He climbs the stairs and sees that there is a shadow near the red room

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    He enters the red room and begins to walk

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    Everything is very dark and goes for some candles outside

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    He lights the candles throughout the room

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    The candles go out alone

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    He does not manage to turn them on again and he is lost in the dark

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    He faints

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    He opens his eyes and he is with the elderly people who tell him that they found him hurt out of the room

  • 14

    He accepts that the red room is haunted