The Progressive Presidents

  • Roosevelt loses mother and wife on the same day.

    Roosevelt loses mother and wife on the same day.
    Theodores first wife and mother died on the same day. His mother died from typhoid fever, and his wife died from Brights Disease and compications while giving birth to their first child. later that night T.R. writes in his Diary "The light has gone out of my life".
  • First President to leave the U.S.

    First President to leave the U.S.
    Theodore Roosevelt was the first sitting president to leave the united states. He sailed aboard USS Louisiana to personally inspect the construction of the Panama Canal.
  • T.R. wins Nobel Peace Prize

    T.R. wins Nobel Peace Prize
    President Teddy Roosevelt won the Nobel Peace Prize. he was the first american to win the award. he was given the award for his work on the treaty of Portsmouth, which ended the japanese-Russo war.
  • Roosevelt virtually blind in one eye

    Roosevelt virtually blind in one eye
    Roosevelt loved to box. during his times as president he would invite professional boxers over to box. until one day he was boxing with a young artillery officer, he punched roosevelt in the eye smashing a blood vessel. The punch made him loose sight in that eye.
  • 27th president

    27th president
    president taft became the 27th president of the united states. he served for 4 years until 1913.

    Taft was the first president to throw the first ball of baseball season, beginning a tradition that continues today. The game was a 1910 game between the Washington Senators and the Philadelphia Athletics.
  • A big man

    A big man
    President taft once got stuck in the white house bath tub. he had to have six aides pull him free. After this happened he then ordered a bath tub big enough to fit four people.
  • 28th president

    28th president
    woodrow wilson became the 28th president of the united states on march 4, 1914. he became president becuase the republican votes were split between Howard Taft and Theodore roosevelt.
  • National Mothers Day

    National Mothers Day
    woodrow wilson declared a national mothers day, and that it would occur the second sunday of may every year.
  • First president to the world series

    First president to the world series
    woodrow wilson became the first president to ever attend a world series game. He threw the first pitch in game 2 of the world series. the two teams playing were the Boston Red Sox and the Philadelphia Phillies.
  • staying out of war

    staying out of war
    President Wilson wanted to stay out of WWI but when an american ship was sank by a german submarine he had no choice but to declare war.
  • T.R. ask to lead Infantry unit in WWI

    T.R. ask to lead Infantry unit in WWI
    At the age of 58 ex-president asked president wilson if he could lead a unit of 200,000 infantry soldiers in WWI. Woodrow WIlson denied Roosevelts request.
  • Woodrows sheep

    Woodrows sheep
    Woodrow Wilson had sheep brought to the white house in order to raise money for the red cross during WWI. The sheep were used to trim the grounds which saved money on gas and labor.
  • Executive and Judicial

    Executive and Judicial
    president taft was the first president to serve as chief justice of the supreme court and the president of the united states. He considered Being chief justice of the supreme court his highest point in his career.
  • Burried in Arlington

    Burried in Arlington
    President taft died march 8, 1930 he is the first President to ever be burried in Arlington Cemetery.