presdints from 1860-1932
he was inaugruratied on march 4 1861. He is remered for his vital roel as the leader in preserving the union during the civil war. He also froget for slavery for quite some time. He also stopped a indian rebellion. -
the elction of andrew jonson
Andrew jonson was elected in 1875. Andrew johnson was firmly related to the union. Jonson opposed the fourteenth amendement. He was appointed him as a miltary governor of Tennesse. -
ulysses G. Grant
He became presdient in july 23 1885. He destoryed the KKK. He gratured from a miltary acmedy. He soon become genarl. -
James A. Garfield
He was elected in 1888. He gruated from Williams Collge in Massacutes. He served as a majoir genal in the union army. He was elected as congress at first. -
rutherford B. Hayes
He was elcted in 1893. He pracited law. He joined the union army. He was promoted to major genarl.