Adolfo Suárez González (Cebreros, Ávila, 1932- Madrid, 2014)
He was an intuitive and seductive politician, a harvester of the most difficult political objectives thanks to his ability to handle information as an instrument of power, a "chusquero de la política", as he defined himself. Born in Ávila, ambition was one of the fundamental engines of his political career. -
Mariano Rajoy Brey (Santiago de Compostela, 1955)
When Mariano Rajoy reached the Head of Government in November 2011, he had to face the possible bankruptcy of the Spanish economy. Man linked to the political world since the beginning of the eighties, had gone through a good part of the structures of the Administration. -
José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero (Valladolid, 1960)
When the PSOE once again rose to power, a new generation had taken over the reins of the party. José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero represented a socialism, in historical and ideological terms, at least diffuse. -
Pedro Sánchez, PSOE (June 2018)
Born in Madrid in 1972, and is trained in Economic and Business Sciences.In addition to teaching at the Camilo José Cela University.
He rose as president with the support of a sufficient number of parliamentarians in a motion of censure against the government of Mariano Rajoy in June 2018. This would be the first motion of censure that goes forward in the history of democracy. -
Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo (Madrid, 1926- Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid, )
When the coup d'etat of February 23, 1981, in the Cortes was voting the investiture of Calvo Sotelo as the new President of the Government, a position that would occupy until the arrival of the Socialists in power in the elections of October of the following year . His intellectual profile presented him as a gray figure, which contrasted with the attractiveness of Suarez. -
Felipe González (Sevilla, 1942)
The historic victory in October 1982 of the PSOE of Felipe González led to the left, for the first time in history, a government alone and successful. Of humble origin, he was the only one of his four brothers who studied university, he was a member of the Socialist Youth since he was twenty years old. -
José María Aznar López (Madrid, 1953)
With the arrival in the Moncloa of José María Aznar, in addition to the alternation in the power of the consolidated democracies, there was a generational change in Spanish politics.