The Perks Of Being a Wallflower

  • Charlie has his first day of school

    He was very nervous of starting school because he hadn't made any friends over the break and his friend Michael died the year before so he was scared of being alone.
  • Bill gives Charlie his first book.

    His English professor, Bill, gives him the book "To kill a mockingbird" to read and write a book report on.
  • Charlie meets Sam.

    He was really lonely during the football game and he remembered Patrick from class so he went and spoke to him and Patrick introduced him to Sam.
  • Charlie goes to his first High School party

    Sam and Patrick invited party to go to a party with them. In there Charlie eats a happy brownie and gets high.
  • Charlie is does secret santa with Sam and Patrick and some of their other friends

    Charlie is Patrick´s secret santa. He gave him a mix-tape of all his favorite songs, and reads him a poem.
  • Charlie's Birthday

    Charlie had his birthday the same day as his aunt died. That is why he always feels bad on that day.
  • Charlie is invited to dance by Mary Elizabeth

    Mary Elizabeth invited him to the dance and soon after becomes his first high school girlfriend.
  • Charlie Participates in the Rock Horror Show

    He is a last minute replacement for Craig, and he plays on of the main characters.
  • Charlie kisses Sam while being with Mary Elizabeth.

    When they were playing Truth or Dare someone dares Charlie to kiss the prettiest girl in the room. He kissed Sam hurting Mary Elizabeth.
  • Patrick and Brad had a fight

    Charlie steps into a fight between Patrick and Brad, he defends Patrick and soon after his friends started talking to him again.