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The Outsiders Timeline

By Star66
  • Two-Bit's Birth

    Two-Bit's Birth
    Note: I'm just assuming that, since Two-Bit's in his mid-20's, he's 25. Two-Bit "Keith" Mathews was born. He's a wisecracker and only went to school for kicks. "You couldn't shut up that guy; he always had to get his two-bits worth in.
  • Darry's Birth

    Darry's Birth
    Darrel Shaynne Curtis, Jr., nicknamed Darry, the oldest of 3 brothers, was born this year. He looks like his mother but acts like his father. He's very buff and works fixing roofs. He's very good friends with Two-Bit and was with Paul Holden.
  • Dally's Birth

    Dally's Birth
    Note: He's estimated to be 19 due to the fact that he can drive and he drinks (I assume legally). Dallas Winston was born this year. He had been arrested at age 10 and is tough, cold, and mean. He used to live in New York and blew off steam by fighting.
  • Steve's Birth

    Steve's Birth
    Steve Randle was born this year. He's been best friends with Sodapop since grade school. He works at the gas station Soda works at (except he's part-time) and is very good with cars.
  • Sodapop's Birth

    Sodapop's Birth
    Soda Patrick Curtis, nicnamed Sodapop, the middle sibling of 3, was born this year. He's handsome, happy-go-lucky, and acts like his mom but looks like his dad. He works at the gas station and he's best friends, since grade school, with Steve.
  • Johnny's Birth

    Johnny's Birth
    Johnny Cade, the gang's pet, was born this year. He's best friends with Ponyboy and has brutal parents that will scream and hurt him physically. He's nervous and scared lots, but has a good heart. He also respects and likes Dally alot.
  • Ponyboy's Birth

    Ponyboy's Birth
    Ponyboy Michael Curtis, the youngest of 3, was born this year. He was born with light-brown, almost-red hair and greenish-gray eyes. He, over his first 14 years, has adapted to hate the green part of his eyes and good-looking long hair. He also wants to be, or at least look, as tough as Paul Newman. He's best friends with Johnny.
  • Johnny gets jumped

    Johnny gets jumped
    About 4 months prior to the novel, Johnny got jumped by four Socs. After getting beat up by Bob and his friends and left in the lot, Steve, Soda, and Pony find him lying on the ground. He was beaten half to death. Afterwards, he always kept a six-inch switchblade with him, just incase someone tried that again...
  • Chapter 1 Events

    Chapter 1 Events
    Thursday - After all of those explanations, there isn't much else that happens in the chapter. The 2 main events are Ponyboy getting jumped by Socs and Sodapop wanting to marry Sandy.
  • Novel Begins

    Novel Begins
    This is the starting point of the novel. Just to go off a base, I'm assuming that this novel takes place in the fall. It wil theoretically start Thursday, October 5th, 1967.
  • Chapter 1 Introduction

    Chapter 1 Introduction
    We find out Ponyboy’s the narrator. We are also introduced to the low class greasers who are rough and live in the East end. Third, we are introduce to the higher class Socs who are snobby and live in the West end. Finally, the setting is the 1960s.
  • Period: to

    The Outsiders Novel (inc)

    The span of the Outsiders Novel. From the point Pony steps out of the novel think about Paul Newman and a ride home to the point he wrote that.
  • Chapter 2 Events

    Chapter 2 Events
    Friday - This chapter has less explanation than the last. Firstly, Pony, Johnny, Two-Bit, Dallas go to movies and meet Cherry and Marcia (Two-Bit arrives later). Second, when Dally is harassing the girls, Johnny stands up for himself and tells him to leave them alone. Finally, after Dally storms off, Ponyboy tells Cherry about Johnny getting jumped 4 months prior.
  • Chapter 3 Events

    Chapter 3 Events
    Friday - Afterwards, the greasers walk Marcia and Cherry home. During that walk, Pony realizes that the Socials and Greasers may not be so different. When the Socs arrive, they almost get in a fight but are cut off by Cherry. Saturday - After Pony doses off, he arrives home at 2. Pony then runs away after being slapped by Darry. Johnny comes too.
  • Chapter 4 Events

    Chapter 4 Events
    Saturday - At 2:30 in the morning, Johnny and Pony arrive at the park, reconsidering running away. Before they can do so, 5 Socs approach them. After Pony and Bob call each other "white trash", a Soc named David tries to drown Pony. They quickly scurry when Johnny stabs Bob. After consulting Dally for advice (and receiveing a gun, 50 dollars, and directions) they hop aboard the 3:15 train to Windrixville. After getting off and walking 45 minutes, they arrive at the church and collapse (sleep).
  • Chapter 5 Events

    Chapter 5 Events
    Saturday - When Pony wakes up, he finds Johnny is gone! He also finds a note from him stating he's out getting some supplies. When he returns, he shows Pony the peroxide, "Gone With The Wind", cards, cigarettes, baloney, and candy. Johnny uses the peroxide to bleach Pony's hair and he also cuts their hair. Wednesday - Johnny and Pony recite Robert Frost's poem. Friday - Dally finally arrives. He brought a note from Sodapop and tells them Cherry's a "greaser spy".
  • Period: to

    Pony and Johnny are on the run

    From Saturday to Thursday, after they arrive by train on the 7th, Pony and Johnny stay at the church in Windrixville. They return by ambulance on the 12th.
  • Chapter 7 Events

    Chapter 7 Events
    Friday - After Pony gets back to Tulsa via ambulance, he is interviewed by reporters at the hospital. He finds out that Johnny's in critical condition, but Dally will recover in a bit. He also finds out that he, along with Dally and Johnny, He ALSO finds out that he may be split up from Sodapop and Darry. Saturday - After a good night's rest, he and Two-Bit goto the Tasty Freeze and see Randy. After conversing, Pony realizes that Socs were just guys after all.
  • Chapter 6 Events

    Chapter 6 Events
    Friday - While they (Dally, Johnny, and Pony) are at Dairy Queen, Johnny decides to turn himseld in. After they argue about it, they arrive at the church to see it's on fire! The boys jump into it through the window and save the children. Pony gets out in time, but Johnny has to be rescued by Dally. Afterward, Pony has several burns, Johnny's back is broken, and Dally has a third-degree burn on his left arm.
  • Chapter 8 Events

    Chapter 8 Events
    Saturday - After Pony and Two-Bit see Johnny, Johnny refuses to see his mother. When they go see Dally, Dally asks Two-Bit for his switchblade. Aterwards, Pony is still sick but he wants to partcipate in the rumble. Finally, they go see Cherry and learn that, due to her former love with Bob, she won't go and see Johnny.
  • Chapter 9 Events

    Chapter 9 Events
    Saturday - The greasers arrive at the rumble, with Darry and Paul starting it off. Also, Dally joins just before it starts. The greasers end up winning it and Dally quickly takes Ponyboy to the hospital. They go to Johnny's room, and he's about to die. With his final breath, he tells Pony to stay gold. Then he dies.
  • Chapter 10 Events

    Chapter 10 Events
    Saturday - After Johnny dies, Dally acts wildly and runs out of the hospital. Pony finally hitched a ride and arrives home to his brutally injured greasers. They soon get a call from Dally and, turns out, he robbed a store. The greasers immediately go to the vacant lot to find that the police had found him. Dally then pulls out an unloaded gun and the police quickly shoot him. He then faints. Tuesday - After waking up momentarily and then passing out, he finally wakes up, then falls back asleep.
  • Chapter 11 Events

    Chapter 11 Events
    (Next) Tuesday - After sleeping for a whole week, Ponyboy finally wkes up (for good). Then Randy visits Ponyboy and they talk about the hearing that's the next day. When Randy mentions Johnny, Ponyboy denies Johnny killing Bob and he thinks he killed Bob. Randy left afterwards.
  • Chapter 12 Events

    Chapter 12 Events
    Wednesday - When they went to the hearing, the judge only asked about Pony's homelife. Luckily, Pony was aquitted. Mid-April - After Pony, Two-Bit, and Steve go to the grocery store, the Socs show up and threaten him. Not feeling scared, he defends himself with a broken bottle. When he gets home, he finds a very touching note from Johnny. After reading it, he starts on his semester theme, inspired by his experiences with the Socs and Greasers. The name of it was...The Outsiders.
  • Novel Ends

    Novel Ends
    This is the point in which Ponyboy starts writing the Outsiders and the end of the novel. Note: I assumed it was mid-April due to the fact that American schools end at the end of May and that for the project (theme) you would probably need a month to complete it and then wait a week or 2 for the teacher to mark all of the themes.